Where is auto market headed?

no manager shitcans the top salesperson :wink:
knock on wood


Notice I didn’t even ask :trophy::1st_place_medal:

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Move that metal and plan a Vegas getaway in a couple months to decompress.

Work hard, play hard!

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i can’t wait until this is all over :relieved:


I agree, I sold my car right before my truck was supposed to come in and then the dealer got told to close 3 days before arrival. So now I don’t even have transportation and no Uber or Lyft. I can’t wait for this to end.

Sure as hell did not need a 1200 page stimulus bill that covers elections, airline emission, abstenance programs, abortion funding, or refugee settlement, etc. Best politicians the money can buy. And we keep voting same schmucks back in. Shouldnt they retire. They like almost 80. Wtf


Amen to that, I’m fortunate enough to have built a nice cushion, even though I’ve had next to no business during this whole shutdown. But considering that like 60% of Americans can make a $500 car repair bill and now without pay (for owners that can’t get unemployment), I can’t imagine this all is going to go over well (no matter how long it lasts). 3 weeks vs 3 months

So with the COVID-19 virus having a lot of states on some sort of quarantine and many non-essential businesses closed by state order, do you think new car dealerships will change their sales model to a more online friendly experience?

I realize many dealerships have an Internet sales department, and many have embraced internet sales, but I still think the majority play the come into the showroom to talk price game.

Well here in NJ dealerships are only open for service and parts. How long can they go without selling cars, or the sales reps without a commission check?

I also believe inventory of new cars will be a problem with plants being shut down too.

I know nobody has a crystal ball and nobody knows how long this will last, but I think it will change a lot of business models, not just auto sales.

What do the experts think?

OK I have a bone to pick with you as a moderator.

I think you must have some powertrip going here because you are way to quick and heavy with your closing threads and “landfilling” them as you say.

I created a new thread on the topic of how dealerships will conduct business going forward and would they be more open to online sales. It had nothing to do with this thread about dealers dropping their drawers or whatever else was posted.

You closed my thread and moved the post to the bottom of this one like it was related. It was not.

My post was asking what people in the business thought as I am seeing a lot of rapid change and adaptation in other industries. For instance all school districts around here are running online classes. Doctors are seeing patients via google hangout or Skype or whatever. Many changes are taking place that will become more normal and permanent in the future.

Having lived through a disaster, hurricane Sandy, I can tell you that I and many others took steps to insure that if that ever happened again, it would be a different outcome.

I thought I would get some good conversation here as I believe there are some very very intelligent people on this board, more intelligent than many other boards, however they never get a chance since a heavy handed mod on a power trip landfills the post.

I’ll probably get a timeout or permanent vacation for talking back to the trusted hackr, but honestly if that’s how it is then be it. Useless anyway.


Chill out. Nobody is going to give you a time out.

Your question is very much related to the auto market in general, and therefore merged into this thread. I apologize you don’t agree. We do not need numerous speculative threads open at the same time for a related item, when nobody has an answer and every reply is an educated guess. There is no reason someone cannot still reply to you here vs your own thread.


Original question of this thread:

Your question:

These are VERY MUCH related. Not the same question, but tightly tied together. I think it is a good merge, and no reason why yours can’t be discussed here as well.


to your question, there are many people/businesses being thrown into the deep end and having to learn how to perform online or drown. It is quite possible those dealerships who have lagged in the online area will find out very quickly they need to step it up.

Very different questions though.

yup. but how the dealers react will help dictate where the market goes.

Dude, you cherry picked 2 quotes out of the posts. He goes on to talk about pricing and wholesale values. My question is on business model.

Whatever, I am not going to argue here, I just don’t see the point of the Off-Ramp category if all threads are merged into one big landfill. Hey I didn’t say it, the mod did.

I would think that the mods are here to moderate and keep things on track and civil. If I posted in marketplace, ok sure move, but to impose your opinion on what you think something is or should be in Off-Ramp is a little too much in my opinion. I would think the threads would run their course.

I think it is detrimental to the forum to bury posts at the bottom of a landfill, that’s all.

Look, not everyone is going to agree with how this forum is moderated, just like not everyone is going to agree on opinions posted on this forum. That’s life.

Call it a power trip if you want, it doesn’t bother me. Call me all the names in the book, I promise you I won’t be upset. The realty is, both are highly speculative questions in the same general area (car sales pricing and whether those dealers that sell cars will be more inclined to do more via online in the future). The reality is, nobody knows. There’s also no need to have 2 very speculative threads open on a similar area when both will almost assuredly end in argumentative discussion because A doesn’t agree with B, and will both likely go off the rails into discussions not even remotely relating to the original intent.


I didn’t post your comment in a landfill. It’s an open thread. The “landfill” post is for people who consistently open threads that have already been closed due to being asked repetitively without searching, or for general statements. I merged your question into a like/similar post. That’s not burying it.


Here is where I think you are wrong and abusing the mod power.

While my thread may have been speculative, it is reality and probably happening as we type. Many business have had to switch to a work from home or online model at the drop of a hat in the last two weeks and more will continue. This will have permanent change in the industry going forward if not already. There are industry folks here I would love to hear from. Maybe someone would benefit from that conversation.

It appears you don’t have enough respect for the members here to let them have a discussion because you already know it will become argumentative and go off the rails.

Maybe you have been a mod too long and have become jaded, I don’t know, I can only judge by your comments and actions.

When I say it is detrimental to the forum, what I mean is that when I as a member make a legitimate post for genuine conversation and you as a mod deem it to be argumentative and heading off the rails and close it, it is like a kick in the balls and I will probably think twice before another post after this thread so if you want to keep it to the usual suspects and scare others away, great job.

So clearly you, as a mod, have taken this right where you said it would go!! Off the rails!!!


Appreciate the feedback. Let’s agree to disagree and move on.


Just scroll through the off ramp right now. Almost every thread is coronavirus related. And that’s not counting the multiple duplicates per day which have been merged or removed. Don’t take it personally. This is still first and foremost a leasing forum, so most topics which are tangentially related to an off topic subject should stay in one thread.