Where I can do the service for a bmw?

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I own my bmw, I don’t want to go to official bmw dealer to do oil change and pay $1k.
any good places where I can go in the ny/nj area?


Try Bob’s Motorworks LLC. Atlantic Highlands, NJ 732-471-7505. I had a E46 M3 convertible. The roof locking mechanism broke. All the independent shops in my area refused to touch it. Bob had it done in 2 days and his prices are fair. He used to work for BMW.

That’s not really specific enough. Are you willing to drive 2+ hours for an oil change?

I can name someone in Hudson County NJ if that’s where you are.

Btw my local bmw dealer charges $99.99 for six and fewer cylinder motors. But finding a good Indy is a good resource when you need more labor-intensive work and the savings add up.


I can drive 1hr np
my current dealer is BMW Manhattan which I found crazy to charge me 1k for oil change and 3 more things

btw does every bmw dealer have standard pricing or it depends of each what they want to charge


Year and model? What are the 3 things? $900 for those things might be exorbitant or it might be reasonable

If you’re in manhattan or SI, you can check out G&T Auto in Jersey City.

The latter.

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I just got this dealer service offer on my BMW (V8).

I’m going to do this because I’ll get a loaner (vs. waiting).

Any actual repairs or other matters will be addressed by an independent. I found one about 10 minutes away that recently saved me at least a few hundred by pointing me away from unnecessary scheduled brake service.

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Yeah that’s the going rate around here too.

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I wonder where @Malbec got the impression that oil changes cost $1,000.

thanks everyone

i just check last year bill to see details, please find them below:

oil service 195
fuel system service 338.2
Service - air filter element 259.33
Microfilter service 268.97

the breakdown:
labor 735
parts 363
Miscellaneous 164
taxes 94
total 1,028

That’s more than an oil change. :slight_smile:

You can decline everything else, and have major service intervals addressed at an indie.

I mentioned a brake service on my BMW above. When the warning light came on, I started getting one VM per day from the local BMW dealer to schedule my “car’s required brake service.”

An indie charged me for 20 minutes of labor to test the fluid, and told me “The light came on because a duration elapsed. Your fluid is perfect, and everything else looks fine.”

  1. Double the cost of the same service in NJ. Some people call it the manhattan service premium

  2. What exactly was this and why was it necessary

3 and 4: exborbitant for air and cabin filters (ie inexpensive parts) and <10 minutes of combined labor.

Yeah they got you bad. You know the saying, “fool me once…”

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