Where do you invest your money?

Once i see any reputable news about a possible GTA 6 or another big AAA from Rockstar, i’m going deep in leaps on take two

By that time it’ll be too late. You know it’s coming so might as well sprinkle a bit on them. Did you read their financials last quarter? GTA5 is still printing them money and yep… it’s been out for 7+ years. Crazy.

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Ttwo had a great run like many stocks. I was a shareholder since the teens. I still can’t justify a 50 p/e. I sold at the end of December when doing some rebalancing. I put a little into ubsf to ride the Star Wars craze. Pure speculation and I will sell if I make 30%

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Allow me to introduce a stock with 1.6k P/E :smiley:

Back to the topic, I put quite a bit in Twitter monthlies as i believe that the downturn has been over exaggerated from Trump’s ban

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Never touched it. I applaud the people (frankly, idiots) who did and made out like bandits, but I couldn’t justify investing in a dying company with this kind of performance the last 7 years:


The fact Gamestop are even still in business is a miracle :laughing:


May be got into pup and dump cycle of tiktok-robinhood stimulus “investors”? :slightly_smiling_face:

Anyone riding either airlines or cruises until people are allowed to go back on to normal vacations?:slight_smile:

I’m in bc I now know our govt agenda and the too big to fail BS. If I’m going to be paying for these shit companies to pay their executives bonuses. I’m certainly going to profit from their inevitable bailouts.

Also bought a shit load of oil when it went basically negative. Xom as well has been a great buy mid 30s. Once Biden won I knew oil would rally hard.

Another great area right now are agriculture commodities. Lots of issues with food shortages right now. Corn, dba and other etfs seem like safe bets for a nice 50% return this year. Sugar is also very very low


Wife said buy some Pinterest (PINS). Up 290% last year. Go figure. Sometimes that off the cuff idea pays off.


I bought CCL RIGHT before covid :face_vomiting: Been sitting tight and averaged down when it was in the teens. Still down a bit, but not 80% down like I was at the worst time.

What is worrisome to me is how fast and bad it crashed with the general market in March. If all goes down the drain bc will go with it. Maybe land is a better inflation play.

are you talking about GME, BTC, or the market in general?

BTC…it’s not the hedge some think it is.

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What happened to your Dow 12-14k prediction? Gave up on that?

Define prediction…and maybe you should reread what I wrote. I said I’d be all in once I see 10% up from the Bottom. And I did just that.

Maybe you should bring up my oil, gold, silver and Bitcoin predictions too from march. I quadrupled my portfolio in the last 9 months. Did you?

Only thing I continue to lose on is tsla. And I’ll keep shorting that bc im stubborn.

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I’ve long term been buying up experimental focused biotech stocks the last two or so years. On top of trying to max out my 403b,my company match is pretty crap though. I had ended up buying Moderna stock a little over a year ago for less than $30 a share. Sold it off last month before it started tumbling from the overvaluation. Kind of wishing I had hung onto it longer now. I have some cannibis in my portfolio as well, I’m admittedly a little surprised how stagnant it is the last few years.

Cannabis sector is stagnant because everyone knows what will happen when it’s federally legal. Big investors are waiting for the major players in tobacco to shift focus and give legitimacy to the sector.

Haha I’m sure you did. I don’t brag about portfolio returns. Those who do are lying 100% of the time. I’ve come across many the same to you and they always feel the need to make up how much they think they know.

It’s quite easy to go back and see the picks I made publicly here. Oil etfs, precious metals and Bitcoin. Like I said tsla was a bad call, but I’m still short. Btc is up 1000%. Uco up 900%. My pms only doubled.

Instead of criticizing an arbitrary index call I made like the djia, let’s hear some of your picks for the next 6-12 months. Do something a little more constructive.

The thread is called where do you invest your money, not where did you invest it. So let’s hear some forecasts.


Btc up 1000%?? The first you mention btc is a few months ago, at most it’s doubled, maybe tripled. You’re delusional Jim. But whatever keeps your massive ego inflated, you do you.

Quick search on this thread. I’ve been in btc for years as well as pms. I’ve always been a inflationary guy here. Now piss off or add something to the forum.