Where do you invest your money?

Taking a play out of the George soros handbook

Curious if George has found any takers this time around on shorting the pound again.

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I know at least one… :joy:


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Haha imagine being powerful enough to poke your finger into the chest of the heir to the English thrown……but Orange man bad right. :clown_face:


Be careful with your verbiage or we’ll all end up in the chokey again. :rofl::innocent:

matilda GIF

Been interesting reading this thread. Any recommendations for good books on macroeconomics and how all these relationships between treasuries, QE/QT, currency, etc work. I would like to understand it better.

you’re better off getting into astrology.

The first 4 should be essential reading in high school. But this is America so…


Again since I only have an hour I’m going to make this count.


English pensions were almost deemed insolvent yesterday if BOE didn’t step it. Remember once you deposit money into a bank, custodian, or intermediary the funds is now property of that institution and what you have now is IOU.

Also here’s a publication from the BOE on instructions in the event of a “bail in” from July 22, 2021:

TLDR; depositor will get a haircut of their funds.

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Is Chuck really short or is George really tall?

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All I know is they’re both inbred, and potentially reptilian :joy:

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He’s probably on his knees promising too sacrifice his country in the name of Moloch the global warming Owl.

Biden did the same ceremony but he asked to be sniffed not poked. Sacrificing his child to the devil twins Heroin and her twin brother Crack.

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:eyes::eyes: anyone seeing what’s going on with Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank? CDS on Credit Suisse are at the same highs as the Great Financial Crisis. If you think big picture, how many other major banks are exposed to Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank? Hmm

Defaults always trickle up.

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Hmm where have I seen this movie before? 2007/8 here we come. Gird yer loins everyone.

Jimmy Cramer will be pumping up credit Suisse Monday am too


He will blame bad Orangeman who is orange and bad.poor Joe, so much bad luck.

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We printed 8 trillion under trump. They’re all complicit. You don’t really think he would go against the banksters that fund/funded his empire. Sure he did a few things we liked, but he still trampled all over the constitution like the rest of them.

If Clinton was elected there would have been a civil war over the lockdowns. Problem reaction solution. The 2 party system is a joke that gives people the illusion of choice.


The problem in 2020 was shutting everything down. The govt had to send out money. You can’t tell tens of millions of people you are not allowed to work and then leave them to starve. So while Trump and the 2020 congress gets a lot of blame, they kinda had to do it. If you recall Trump wanted to open everything back up ASAP. It was the “experts” who insisted we lock down for months and years on end. Cuz muhScience!! So yes the trillions printed in 2020 was stupid but it was a symptom of the real stupidity which was the lockdown.

In 2021 when Joe did his trillions in printing along with the 2021 congress, that was not needed whatsoever. The economy was on fire on its own as a snap back to the shutdowns. And then they did it again in 2022. Doubling down in stupidity.