When the Memorial sales start for MAZDA?


Looking to lease Mazda CX5 Touring should I wait for Memorial day weekend or start shopping now?

Memorial Day sales and other holiday “sales” aren’t typically sales. Many Americans have been brainwashed as consumers to believe they are good deals for some reason because they are attached to a major holiday. You can usually do much better when there is no holiday and the dealer is empty and thus desperate to make a deal.


What if the real Memorial Day sale was the friends we made along the way?

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It’s starts on the 3rd Tuesday next week. You know it will be even better if they have at least 3 of these in the entrance too…



Yep, all marketing hype and you’d better believe people will end up paying for it.

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Only 3? I’d only trust that it is a good sale if there are 5 and a balloon that goes super super high up

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They need fake fireworks, too. I’ve already gotten emails with some.


I want hoods raised with massive letters.

S. A. L. E.


Generally I agree with all of the prior comments about it being a marketing ploy but in the past, I have seen manufacturer additional incentives for the last week or so of May.

While true, it’s not enough of a discount that you couldn’t replicate it in a different month with comparable programs.