When is the best time to lease XC90 Recharge 2023?

There are many better ways to light money on fire, and it hasn’t stranded you once yet.

Sorry, what do you mean? I don’t get it, especially the second part of “it hasn’t stranded you once yet”.

This is exact kind of deal that any reasonable sales person would pass on. Writing one extra deal is not worth the risk of a terrible survey. If I were the salesmanager I would tell you the store its at and wish you luck with your new volvo!


If you went to said other store about 100 miles away and drove the volvo home, wouldnt it have the same 100 miles on the odometer? Unless you live closer than 100miles away from the second store, in which case why don’t you just go get your car?


When I leased an Audi awhile back, the dealer traded a car with a dealer about 40 miles away. I drove with the dealer’s technologist to pick up the car. She drove the car there, and I drove my new car back.

If you want it transported, offer to pay for the transport.

I would expect $200 to roll the truck and $1/mi over that as an average.

Feel free to pay for a flatbed transport if an extra 90 miles on the odo is a deal breaker.


Over 100 miles of wear and tear, some would promote you to non customer.

Volvo charges like what .20/.25 per mile for mileage adjustment? 100 miles is like what 20 bucks?

If you’re gonna buy it out later, 100 miles is a rounding error of a rounding error, an xc90 with 30k miles and one with 30.1k are gonna be valued nearly identically all else same

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This thinking right here is why most smart dealers stay away from this kind of deal. The risk is much too high

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It’s a free market. Both buyer and seller will find good fits.

Why not lease from the dealer that has the car and drive it home? Then you can put the 100mi on it.


So your off to spend a few more hours looking for an XC90 Recharge with a particular option within 100 miles of your house along with a dealer that will do the same previous deal you were happy with, except for 100 miles being on it?

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Not sure what the common practice is but for 100 miles, I personally wouldn’t be concerned. If anything, I would be super happy the dealership is going out of their way to accommodate.

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