When do I start looking?

Hey everybody,
I got one of the Frontier Pro-4x deals a year ago. Currently paying $375/month.
Since it was only for 18 months and I’m now in the last 6 of that I’ve started getting all the end of lease communication from NMAC and the dealer started texting me.
I’m not a seasoned hacker. Hell, this is only my 2nd lease cause I stumbled into one of the Ioniq leases back in 2019. I’m really glad I found this forum, though, because it totally saved me from paying too much for those cars.
So the question is: when do I start aggressively looking for the next thing?

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When you are ready to buy.

Depends on the lead time of what you’re looking for.

I don’t know that I care really. I mean, I don’t want to buy out the rest of this lease, so I guess unless another dealer is willing to do that in order to get me to lease from them…I’m probably not doing anything til April?
I don’t know I’ve never ended a lease—I bought out the Ioniq cause I could sell it and make money, but I’m pretty sure this Frontier isn’t going to do that.

The cheapest Truck lease is a Honda Ridgeline right now I think < $400
Or a Dodge Ram
Or a Toyota Tacoma

@trism starts looking 3 years in advance.

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While driving his Rav4 in the meantime :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s no chance of ending that lease early so you have 5-6 months to go. Start looking 4-6 weeks before lease end.

Ignore all that. They’re just doing their PT Barnum impression.


This is exactly what I needed to hear. I’ll hop back on the forum in March/April.

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Do you like the truck? Not sure if you did a one pay or not, but if you did then the lease extension payment will probably be a pretty slick deal

If you don’t really mind/care what you drive, then whatever timeline you’re comfortable with works.

But if you’re looking for the next big deal (MB EQS, 4xe, Camaro, Bolt, 7-series, Taco… ) you’ll just have to keep popping back in and keeping your eyes/ears open.

If you’re looking for specific vehicle, then you’ll probably want to look 2-3 months before. Again, are you shopping the car, or the deal? :slight_smile:

Good luck!!