not a little suspicious that a guy just performs a major service 4 days ago at near 200k miles and then immediately after lists the car for sale?
‘The large service’ at the Lexus dealership in their mind is probably an over priced oil change and brake flush. Unless it had the timing belt/water pump replaced this week lol.
I’m with @Bismarck unless it’s the timing belt it’s bs
I asked and he said he would send them this morning
@WonderingY priced decent
This is a good deal for ya…
The drivetrain worth it if it’s legit
That went quick
title not in his name = hard pass
I thought the rims were more suspicious
My buddy just bought a 5MT 2008 Outback for $4,700.
I’d post the ad but its gone
Thoughts on this:
and another one at the same dealership.
Both links get an error page.
Why are you looking at dealers’ used car inventory?
Used cars make way more profit than new cars at a typical dealership.
You’re going to pay uncapped doc fees for no reason.
You’re also going to be pulling teeth trying to get a PPI at a mechanic of your choice.
Honestly, I drove through the dealer’s lot on my way home from the beach the other day. They had quite a few Broncos proudly displayed out front and I wanted to check to see if they were new or newly flipped. The Yellow Badlands is new and has a $20K ADM and 1 other new one. They always seem to have a nice selection of nice, local, used cars. Just checked them out for curiosity.
I went directly to the dealer’s website and they aren’t there anymore. Must have sold.
Hmmm. I leased an '07 X3 for my wife. I recall thumbing through the owner’s manual and it saying that the transmission fluid was a “lifetime fill.” Not sure if it meant the lifetime of the car or the lifetime of the transmission. Not sure if the lifetime fill applied to the 3 series of that vintage as well.