What NFT's are you all buying?

This I so accurate. When satire is more real then reality.

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Most of jps videos are extremely accurate and ridicule the current woke culture. I’m surprised YouTube still gives him a platform honestly.


Agreed, I know him and love him. I think the way he gets away with it is it’s all sarcasm. He says the exact opposite of what he means in an obviously mocking way but it fools the algorithms.

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I knew his wife while I was living in Costa Rica. She had a yoga retreat there and I was introduced to him through her! He’s a super nice guy and very down to earth. One of the few remaining “hippies” left of this generation that still questions authority. Most these days have been completely compliant to a govt they used to oppose. They both get a lot of hate from the woke generation now


My favorite part

The suspected-bot buyer also paid very high “gas” fees - which determine how quickly the Ethereum network processes a transaction - of 8 ETH ($32,000), to ensure the sale went through almost instantly.

Imagine paying 10.6x purchase price to speed up the transaction, so the seller didn’t have time to fix it? Score one for defi.


My friend qualified for a Spiderman NFT through AMC for being one of the first 86k customers to purchase tickets for Spidey 3. Email said he would receive instructions on 22 Dec about how to purchase the NFT.

So how much will this thing actually be worth? If only 80-something thousand of it exist in the world, must be worth at least a few bucks?

It’s really worth as much as any collectible, who knows. I’d probably say $5. Unless he got the 1st mint.

Haaaaa, stop believing this nft hype, that nft is worthless, everyone is jumping on this fad that will soon be forgotten. Anyone payment hundreds, thousands and multiple millions are doing so because they believe they will be able to flip it to the next fool. That’s all this nft hype is about.

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NFT no different than art. Replicas will be made but there will always be an original; only difference is the blockchain shows a history.

Art has an always will be an abstract $ amount whether used to move fraudulent money or for wealthy people to move large funds around and tax breaks.

Like all art it’s worth what someone is willing to pay. Most NFTS are a crap shoot, some use them to flip for $ some use them because they genuinely enjoy the process and art; sometimes they get lucky and it becomes valuable someday aka CryptoPunk or AngryApes that probably cost $500 to create one now go for $300k.

But telling people to avoid something because it’s a “scam” because you don’t understand it is a very naive and silly stance :skull:. Same people cried wolf about the internet and email in 1997. There’s so many great artists being able to get their art out and produce things that otherwise would of never been recognized…and they’re getting paid handsomely for it so good for them.

This is just Sothebys for the middle class.

I am sorry but no. As asinine as most modern art is at least you are buying something. A picture, sculpture or painting. You have a physical item that is real. An NFT takes a meme or picture anyone can get on google in 2 seconds and supposedly makes it rare.

People don’t dislike it because they are neophytes that hate new things. I am computer engineer I work with emerging tech all the time. People don’t like this because they arbitrarily assign value to nonsense items.

To each his own. If you can cash in on some morons out there by all means. There is a sucker born every day. This isn’t anything new people used to sell the Brooklyn bridge and snake oil.

Value is perceived by the person buying it…

No different than the hundreds of millions of fake art that was sold to MOMAD a decade ago by that Chinese gentleman, no one knew they were copies.

You’re just arguing that you don’t see the value in them… which is your opinion just like you may not think Banksy isn’t art compared to Van Gogh…

If you read further up I go into extensive detail about NFTS with 6 month roadmaps that come with directors cuts and interviews and AMAs with costume design for a movie. More utility and value to some over an oil painting.

I’m not an NFT thumper by any means I couldn’t care less about them, but facts are facts and we need to come to them logically. It’s good to understand things rather than having a iceberg surface level understanding and assuming.

You’re taking one very minute view of it and running with it like a ball of yarn. Yes there will always be scams and cons where there’s money, just like a lot of these NFT projects are dumps for people to make quick flips during the minting/buying process. There will always be victims and suckers…

Sadly this went from an informative thread to a bunch of people just bashing NFTs because they don’t understand them or have a very naive view of them.

It’s interesting how you are the one making assumptions. Anyone that doesn’t like NFTs don’t understand them or are naive.

Or perhaps we do understand them and just disagree with you.

The only NFTs I’m buying are .eth domains. Seems like those might have some long-term web3 use implications.

Your own words mr. engineer (as if that has any bearing on grasping NFTs :joy:), but sure ya can back pedal :roll_eyes:.

I was referring to the people shouting scam and to stay away from NFTs, up further in the thread. NFTs are a great way to learn basics of blockchain, wallets, currencies etc. It helped my father grasp how to move money and connect wallets; made everything less daunting to you “neophytes”.

Apparently art has to be tangible for you though lol. Which is silly because there’s so much art that isn’t a physical entity and kind of ridiculous to say anything else isn’t art or has value/beauty to someone else.

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I lean towards the “all NFTs are ultimately worthless” side, tbh.


What exactly am I backpedaling on? And yes those are my words, what part of that is inaccurate? I said I was an engineer to show I wasn’t a neophyte not to say I understood NFTs because I was an engineer. But since you are mentioning it, yes the fact that I am computer engineer would much better position me to understand them in a much deeper fashion than someone that is not.

Like what?

I own a handful of sports NFTs that have done well relatively.

IDK anything about NFT but: Physical, tangible or otherwise, nothing has any value beyond what people are willing to exchange for it.

Not the dollars in your pocket, not the gold that “backs” some other currency, not the house you live in or the land it’s on.

Besides when did something need to be physical or tangible to have value?

I like trading altcoins for profit and storing BTC for 6.2% APY however I don’t trust NFT value is going to stay this high for a long period of time. It certainly has some legitimate uses for documentation.

All my apes gone

:gorilla: :orangutan: