What is "Lease Support"?

He’s just trying to get you in store. Easiest way for them to sell is to get you in the store. It also doesn’t allow you time to think through the numbers and do your own calculations. I always make sure I have numbers sorted out and in writing before I go in to the dealership.

OK thought so. I already know all of my numbers - and if he thinks I am going to sign on the dotted line without knowing the MF/RV then he’s on one.

This was going to be my email response…too strong?

"Hi Brand,

Thanks for your text & meeting with your sales manager.

I understand you don’t want to post any numbers over email, but unfortunately I won’t be interested unless I see the break down. I need to see the MF/RV that your finance guy is calculating off of. I need to see any add-on’s he’s including.

If you don’t want to provide that, it’s fine - but the discussion will need to end here.

Garret "

Just tell him you’d rather know all the numbers before you come in so you don’t have to waste a lot of time in the dealership. Rather than asking for the MF and RV, you can tell him what the residual is and request buy rate on the MF. It’ll speed things up a little bit.

Got it - thank you! You should write a book on leasing lol.

No lie - he just sent me a picture of every single vehicles MF/RV for all month terms (24/30/33/36/39/42/48)

There’s like, 40 vehicles here in the picture he sent.

IS THAT NORMAL!? I think he made a mistake lol

Lol not really sure what to think about that one. At least you have all the numbers you need to plug and play into the calculator :slight_smile:

RIGHT. Thank you Jesus - that makes it easy.

Post that. Share with the group.

I will
Which area should I post it in and what should the title be? Idk what to call the form - but it shows every vehicle on the lot with all those details

“Share Deals & Tips” section.

Title: Mazda MF/RV for February 2018

Errr… Or the RV/MF section per Jon below

Wouldn’t the RV/MF section make more sense, even though it’s pretty slow/dead there?

Yeah you’re right. I forgot that section even existed. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever clicked a thread there before…

Well - I should post it somewhere that people actually go to, right? To ensure people can utilize it
So maybe I will post Share Deals & Tips Section…unless it gets moved

Posted! (…)