What is 2016 Nissan leaf SV Feb numbers

I am looking at 36/12k lease option.

I know there is $9800 lease cash for February 2016. This plus the $7500 Federal rebate and $2500 Cal rebate is huge. Did I understand it correctly? It is almost $20k off the MSRP.

I used the calculator on this site to calculate the drive off and monthly payment using 39% residual and 0.00131 MF and I get ~$2100 drive off + $89 with tax included. But my dealer didn’t even want to talk to me when I said I am ok with $2500 drive off + $250 monthly (I didn’t know the $10k lease cash part before I talked to them). I am totally confused. One of the dealers called me back and asked me to go back to the dealership tomorrow. I asked how low he can go but he didn’t want to talk about it on the phone. I need to get prepared for the talk tomorrow.

Thanks in advance.

Seems the lease cash include the $7500 federal rebate. So basically it is $2300 additional rebate.

Here are the current (February 2016) numbers for 2016 LEAF SV:

Residual: 35%
MF: .00003
$9,800 lease cash
$595 acquisition fee

The $7,500 federal tax credit goes to owner of the car (i.e., NMAC), not the lessee. However, NMAC passes that on to the lessee and tacks on an additional $2,300 for a total of $9,800 in lease cash. The $2,500 CVRP mail-in rebate is on top of that amount.

Looks like some dealers are selling them ($35,050 MSRP) for $30,130 before incentives. Plugging those numbers into the lease calculator, I get $263/month and approximately $1,500 total drive-off. The CVRP will take care of the drive-off amount and the first few months of payments.

Thanks Michael! Getting 14% off MSRP will be great. My dealer only gives me 10%. But with your numbers I have a better idea about how much I can negotiate. Thanks!