That “best by” date is a gentle suggestion. Plenty of room in that bottle for bacteria to thrive while you squeeze the last 1-2 servings out of it.
Not my doing, but in the pantry we also have ~20 envelopes of assorted Knorr soup mixes from the Costco in Constantinople.
Stop eating me!
/jk looks delicious
Is that a Yoohoo
a break from the chicken tendies and mountain dew i see
A post was merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill 5
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill 5
I gotta say, your palette isn’t the most photogenic.
Doesn’t have to be, as long as it tastes good
I see that year abroad at the French culinary school of arts has really paid off
End of the week:
, I guess I don’t have to worry then if I get locked up in a Russian minimum security prison.
My imagination running wild thinking about which jar and frozen bag that alfredo and chicken came out of
Not this time