What are my options?

Looking to do $350-375 before taxes. Drive off tittle taxes first payment in Chicago. Looking for something sporty.

If anyone says 330i demo I am gonna ask how cause I got quoted like 600 and something dollars a month for one.

Just curious what’s actually possibility to get.

330 demo. Hit up a broker.


330 demo. Don’t buy in Chicago. Plan on shipping or flying somewhere to pickup.

  • Edit* you’ll still have to pay the Chicago city tax no matter where you buy. But dealers here don’t play nearly as well as some others.

Not blindly going and asking a dealer for a price is a good start.

No I didn’t should of said that. I knew MF and residual I knew incentives. I did heavy research and found couple demo that should hit that price point near me and they all said crazy high numbers.

Don’t ask them for numbers. Make them an offer based on your target price

Are you located in Chicago proper or the suburbs?

Everything you need to know has probably been posted on the forum and can be found by searching


Will do that this time around.

If you live in Chicago proper, you pay a tax to the city on top of your county taxes. Registering to the suburbs will save you a lot of money.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Please keep all your “wanted” ads here

Do some research/searching. This type of question has been asked countless times. If you don’t want to do the legwork, hire a broker