🔥 WFH discussion

Plot twist: it’s in Romania.


someone got the joke hahaha


Team lunches with the good pizza: none of that recycled pizza box shit.


just make sure the pizza doesnt show up on video/pictures


I find this interesting. They work better going to a house rather than an office?

The whole thing about WFH is not having to leave your house… even if it means going to another one.

I think the only thing I miss from WFH is going to lunch with the team… we even wrote an app called Whats4Lunch (years ago before the online versions were available).

We are all proximate enough to still meet for lunch but it’s not something they like to do very often because it means they have to leave their cave. :slight_smile:

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My totally unscientific approach to determining when white collar employees are actually being forced back to the office is when Amazon is able to get employees into their fancy new offices @HQ2. As of yet, Amazon has not requested any money from either Arlington or the Commonwealth - link below which unfortunately is mostly behind a paywall. This is almost certainly because is because they haven’t met the hiring thresholds for people sitting at the new office to be eligible for the incentives. The actual agreement between Virginia and Amazon is not public but I understand it contains provisions that the employees must actually work in Virginia a majority of the time versus working remotely while technically being based at HQ2.


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