Weird lease charge on a VW id.4

This is in New Mexico for a 2022 id.4 Pro S RWD.

lease.pdf (214.4 KB)

It was supposed to be zero down with taxes and fees all rolled in, but there was a charge on her numbers sheet that says: Due on Delivery $1528. I asked her what that is, she says it’s “required by VW”.

Anyone else have a clue what she is talking about? Sounds like a weird and fake thing. it’s late so I won’t email her back right now asking for more clarification

Edit: I think I figured it out. 1528 is first month plus taxes from the MSRP - CAPCOST. So, 16,000 x 6.88% = 1100 + first month.

But I believe all that is added into my monthly?

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: 2022 VW Id.4 Pro S RWD Lease - Help improve the price to what it should be