We’ve reached the point where it’s cheaper to Uber

And I bet the f’kin driver cancelled on the $120+ fare….then the next one……then the next, but only after circling the block like a dozen or so time when they’re supposed to be “on the way!” /s

Meanwhile you’re getting stressed AF as your 90 min checkin and security window is dropping to like 60 min or 45mins

Then Uber lift match you with some shmuck 30 mins away. insert many expletives here

I just park at the airport now. Long term and even short term parking is significantly cheaper and less stress. I guess LAWA will be getting my $$ in future.

I’m done with ride share.

I parked at the airport for a quick trip out of town last weekend, and this Saturday a friend is dropping me at the airport after our routine weekend breakfast.

Normally I take Lyft or Uber both ways, but the timing uncertainty and the dramatically and unpredictably higher cost makes this option no longer my first choice.