[Washington State] 2019 QX60 AWD 47k MSRP $412/mo + tax/Drive-Offs 1150[Washington State] 2019 Q50 Luxe 42730 MSRP $374+ Tax /Drive-Offs 1250 [Washington State]


I will be posting new lease specials as they come. I am focusing on volume over gross. Contact me directly for more information.


Gmail i respond to right away. The second email i will only be active on weekends.

**Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2019 Infiniti QX60 Pure

**MSRP: $47270

**Monthly Payment: $412.48 + tax

**Drive-Off Amount: 1st month,bank, tax, dmv and doc (No MSD in price but can be added)


**Annual Mileage:10k



**Available Incentives: Includes VPP of 1500

**Region: Washington State

**Saved Numbers on Leasehackr Calculator: leasehackr.com/calculator?make=INFINITI&msrp=47270&sales_price=41500&months=39&mf=.00048&dp=0&doc_fee=393&acq_fee=700&taxed_inc=0&untaxed_inc=0&rebate=0&resP=58&reg_fee=400&sales_tax=10.7&memo=&monthlyTax_radio=true&miles=10000&msd=0

**Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2019 Infiniti Q50 Luxe

**MSRP: $42730

**Monthly Payment: $374+ tax

**Drive-Off Amount: 1st month,bank, tax, dmv and doc (No MSD in price but can be added)


**Annual Mileage:10k

**MF: 0.00003


**Available Incentives: Includes VPP of 1500

**Region: Washington State

**Saved Numbers on Leasehackr Calculator: leasehackr.com/calculator?make=INFINITI&msrp=42730&sales_price=36000&months=39&mf=.00003&dp=0&doc_fee=362&acq_fee=700&taxed_inc=0&untaxed_inc=0&rebate=0&resP=52&reg_fee=350&sales_tax=10.7&memo=&monthlyTax_radio=true&miles=10000&msd=0

If you have any questions please contact Hitoshi.Delica@gmail.com

Let me know what you guys think and what kind of deal would make a splash on leaseHackr. Keep in mind this is for Washington so incentives are going to be different.

Nice to have someone from the Seattle area posting here! Welcome!

Be prepared, compared to deals we’ve seen here from SoCal and the northeast for the Pure (high 200s - 15% off before VPP) this is going to generate some feedback. I’m sure some of it is incentive related.

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Incentives aren’t the same in WA, probably 750 worse

Unfortunately the incentives are very different. Lease incentives are different depending on where you live. If you live in Washington but have a house in SoCal then I can give you the same exact deal.

California has huge incentives on leases but i believe that if you want to purchase then WA will have better incentives.

Yep. Makes sense. WA getting the shaft as usual unless you want to buy a Subaru.


From the legwork I’ve done, this is about as good of a dealer discount as it gets in WA state right now for Infiniti. Definitely nice to see some WA deals being posted but I will agree, they just aren’t as appealing when posted along side all of these offers in other markets. I wish you luck! Looking forward to seeing what other deals you come up with.

Subarus sell themselves up here. The entire state is in love with them. I wouldn’t think that would equate well to being able to get much of a dealer discount. The biggest limitations here are missing a lot of the extra regional incentives other markets get and little to no competition.

Personally, I’d like to see some one or two off demo /loaner deals. Repeatable new car deals that are hackr quality just don’t seem to come around often here.

I am new to LH ill do some research tonight to see what other Infiniti leases are going for in the SoCal area and if i can get close, ill edit my post and add a Q50 lease.

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12% off including VPP is pretty crappy compared to SoCal. I was able to get 18% off before any incentives when I got my 2019 QX60.

Yeah like i said earlier if you live here in Washington but also have a house in California then that 18% off is very doable.


Welcome to LH. Solid deal on Infiniti. Do you have deals on German cars? What’s your fee?

I am sorry I do not have access to German cars.

That’s fair. What’s your fee? I’m interested in Acura MDX and Lexus RX350.

He works at an Infiniti dealer.

are you a dealer or broker? A family member of mine in Kirkland is interested in this deal.

I am a dealer. Ill send you a PM

I’m based in Seattle area and interested in the QX60 deal. PM me the details. I also have a car to trade in

I will PM you.

If anyone else is interested I have a few of these lease special cars left.

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Subaru questions don’t belong in an Infiniti post.