Was This Finally “Peak Insanity” in Used Vehicle Prices? And all other crystal ball questions

transition ends with the next ice age…
but yes transitory.


The Hill shouldn’t include all Nobel laureates in Economics as ‘wrong’ on inflation…some were not.
Milty also says it’s taxation without representation, no one voted for it, and no one is accountable for it.


all economists are wrong because economics is a completely made up junk science and they literally don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about. that article should be all the evidence you need about what a bunch of charlatans these people are.

Economics is an art not a science. They are wrong a lot but America has done pretty well relative to the world since 1945. I am guessing I don’t want to know what alternative you and some of the previous posters prefer for running the economy.

I’m old enough to remember when many on here were certiain gas was going to 6, 7 or even ten dollars a gallon. Lucky for those folks, no one put their money where their mouth was and bought huge quantities of oil futures based on that certainty though. At least no one posted r/WSB style.

This isn’t even that risky. If you are certain inflation will stay elevated long term it’s easy to pick an investment strategy that will produce great returns.


I’m okay flipping cars forever. I hope this is the new normal.


What does the lease look like?

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This op-ed conveniently missis what I thought everyone on here knew. Prices are rising due to decreased supply due to covid which we all hope and assume is transitory. Is it aggravated by pent-up demand? Sure. Is the pent-up demand partially caused by all the free money from the bi-partisan covid stimulus? Sure.


I asked, its not good you’re better off buying

Yeah, I figured that would be the case.

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Insane money printing started long before covid. This was just the straw that broke the camels back.

Handing people free cash to buy products that don’t exist was a genius strategy too huh? If I wanted inflation I would do the exact same thing the fed did…so makes sense from that standpoint.

All that money went straight to corporate profits. Corporations that pay little tax and keep money offshore. That’s not stimulating anything economics wise. It was a blatant kickback to the elite circle jerk that bounces around from boardrooms to Washington. 8 trillion actually invested into the country could have done wonders, instead here we still crumbling infrastructure and debt that can never be repaid unless the dollar is destroyed, which will put an end to the middle class once and for all.


To answer the question, some Toyota vehicles took a dramatic hit from last month.
Tacoma went down $1,500, 4Runner went down $1,000, Camrys and Corollas went down $2,000 from last month.


Your clearly not a proponent of Modern Monetary Theory. I get it. But as George Will said of MMT and I’ll paraphrase: Democrats praise and embrace it while republicans denounce and embrace it. Fiscal conservatives have no one left to vote for.


I though new inventory was getting better but these articles of manufacturers pausing production doesn’t seem to help. If any of you are tracking any of the broker threads here, cars are still moving quickly and at or over MSRP.

And used car leasing seems to be a thing… I guess with such high prices, leasing used cars may be a more economical way to go for some people.

I’ve seen a couple dealers trying used car leasing and the deals are terrible. It’s basically just to con people that are payment shopping.

Inventory was getting better. Then omicron and Russia/Ukraine war. It’s def getting worse currently and as such pricing is jumping again from what I’m seeing.

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Buy your cars while dollars are still worth more than pesos.

That is all.


the drop in demand from people being priced out of the market + rising rates are going to solve the inventory problem well before the parts shortages are resolved.


that literally has nothing to do with economics. also, if its an art and not a science you’re literally validating my opinion.

probably not. i’m sure one of us would make your head explode.

well modern monetary theory is a well established theorem. of course if you’re just using it to pump money into corporations and the stock market its not quite the ideal use case scenario.

everything else is a very strong agree.

that’s because fiscal conservatism is a silly ideology. the entire premise of the country is spending a ton of money to make things work.

Forcing the hand of a long time rival superpower into dropping your currency and those of your allies as a form of payment for resources.

Great Success Win GIF


its been heading that way for a while now. the age of dollar supremacy is coming to an end.

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Aight let’s stay on topic