Was This Finally “Peak Insanity” in Used Vehicle Prices? And all other crystal ball questions

I don’t even believe the news I pay for anymore (and forget headlines).

I was encouraged when I receive this in my email box a couple of days ago.

Then I opened the story:

40% drop from the previous month
Second worst month in the past year
Unemployment went up

And you don’t need sophisticated financial software - or even Excel - to plot the trendline.


Meh I don’t really gather the same implication from that graph that you do. Covid in winter late 2020 and 2021 was not great and had significantly mellowed by summer 2021 so YoY comparisons for jobs added are going to be very skewed by that seasonality

These metrics are also like total voodoo so I think assigning a ton of importance to them is like going to a psychic.

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Either way, interest rates are climbing, and maybe loan standards tightening. It will be interesting to see how that affects affordability and subsequently used car sales

I have seen tightening with ally and usbank leases. Also asking for more documentation then normal. In the long run a good thing I think. But they will all still get bailed out if it goes to shit


But the question how is there higher rates and bank scrutiny will affect demand vs supply.

Because for some time demand outstripped supply. Doesn’t look like supply is increasing at any speed but demand is dropping.

So what would be the line of demand going down through equilibrium point with supply and going into the floor to fight inflation.

If that’s about 12 to wait - I’m down for that. I have about a year left on a lease and hoping for 6 month extension😂

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12 posts were merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill 5

Slime(an)tander has been lending at 19-22% for years.

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Santander does auto loans?

That is the backing of CCAP.

they announced last week most cars where getting caught up on chips, Now will they do like Rolex and just hold stuff back keeping demand high.

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They’re the bank for ccap, lol. They were known for lending to anyone with a pulse (sometimes even without one :slight_smile: )


Let abuela get that loan, man. Her poor soul needs it.


12 posts were merged into an existing topic: Has anyone had any luck getting an Omega x Swatch Moonwatch at retail?

FYI, inflation is here. There will no longer be “cheap” leases .


Not sure what to make of this one. This Acura dealership in Stamford that had this grass side always packed with Jeeps (I’ve posted those picks before) but now it’s completely empty.

Sold off all Jeeps they had and aren’t restocking?

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Non-sinister possibility: city didn’t like easement encroachment?


It’s model year changeover… Probably waiting for the 23’s to show up.

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Couple months ago I offered one dealership in Cal to buy an X5 at 15% off MSRP. They didn’t respond then but emailed me yesterday out of nowhere asking if I am still looking to do a deal. I checked their website and they are showing 50 X5s in inventory. Not sure if some are in transit but I think we are just delaying the inevitable.


Stamford has more important things to worry about.

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