VW ID.4 pro S. Not sure if it is a good deal

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2021 ID.4 Pro S
MSRP: $46449
Selling Price:46449
Monthly Payment: $589 (incl. tax)
Drive-Off Amount: $2000
Annual Mileage:12k
Leasehackr Score: 7.2 yr
Leasehackr Calculator Link: CALCULATOR | LEASEHACKR

Is this a deal that you received or are you asking if it is a good deal?

It’s a full sticker price quote with no apparent dealer shenanigans. There’s also no dealer discount. It’s really up to you to decide whether you think it’s worth it or not. Nobody here is going to encourage anyone to pay full sticker price for an electric appliance vehicle that in any other market conditions would sell for thousands below sticker but this is where we are at the moment. If you can wait a bit you’ll probably be able to save a significant amount of money as inventory improves.


While this does not look great; here’s another deal for reference:

It’s a lower MSRP than you car, but has a not insignificant higher selling price. Total effective payment is much higher than yours, but you should still try to fight for a dealer discount as much as you can.

Try to target invoice. I haven’t been seeing too many of these going for much lower than MSRP.

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Incentives taxable

I don’t like the deal. Having a chunk of incentives does NOT justify the dealer offering no discount from MSRP at all. That doesn’t sit well with me. And those reason, I’m out.

RV - Horrible, with a capital “H”
MF - Ok, but nothing to brag about
Sale price - there is no “sale” here, it is full sticker

Also, your calculator doesn’t even correspond with what you have listed here…? You have $598 w/ $0 DAS on the calculator, whereas you have an effective $644.56/mo listed here - which is it? One is awful and one is god awful.

No good deals on anything right now, and especially on something brand new. $600/mo for a so so electric, no thanks.

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