Volvo XC90 Ultra Deal Check

Looking to buy a XC90 T8 Ultra in GA. The dealer is offering me $685/month on a $81,765 MSRP. Discount 11%. I qualify for for Costco bonus and $500 A-Plan discounts. The EV Bonus is $7.5k and Lease bonus is $3,750. There is an option $600 for Perma Plate. This is a 24 month / 7500 miles lease. Asking the community to comment if this is decent deal. This also includes 10 MSD and the dealer is charging me $9000 for it.
Given the other deals posted, this seems a bit high to me. Please advise.

The 10 MSDs of $9000 is very high. Everyone else here has posted $4500 (10 MSDs) which seems standard across the board. Not sure how they got to $9000.

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Thanks, What about the rest?

The 11% is fine. Probably next to impossible to get the 13-14% off that some others got here. The rest of the incentives seem okay as well. Seems like you don’t have ABA/AMA/ADA so you cannot get the additional $2000 in incentives.

Yeah, unfortunately they seem to have added the 90 day clause for being an ABA member now, which is stated in the contract. ABA website does not say that but the dealers are insisting on it.

you can ask them to remove the optional item

CALCULATOR | LEASEHACKR – check the calculator link

i think they increased your money factor.
base mf is 0.00309

My understanding is that MSD is monthly payment times # of MSDs, so I’m not sure how they’re coming up with $9,000?

You don’t know any doctors, dentists, or lawyers who have been members of the AMA/ADA/ABA for more than 90 days? I thought every Volvo driver knew at least one? :joy:

I put your numbers into the calculator and I’m guessing they are marking up the MF a bit. If you can get them to give you the base rate and remove that junk Perma Plate you should be paying about $625/month. Get that extra $2k ABA and you should be at $529/month.

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Thanks for trying to calculate this for me. I don’t understand your math. Removing $600 for Perma Plate and $1500 for ABA (because A Plan discount of $500 will go away), will reduce the monthly cost by $2100/23 = $91 per month. What am I missing?

Sorry, you’re right, I forgot to remove the $500 A plan when I added the $2,000, so the price should be $562.

MSDs are rounded by $50. So $685/mo results in $700×10=$7,000. There is also first month waver by Volvo now.


It should be $685 - $91 = $593, no?

Thanks. This makes sense.

That $685 is a bogus number as the MF is marked up.

Something in their calculation is not right, because they told me the MF after security deposit is 0.00259, the same in your sheet.

Did they add in tons of bogus dealer fees? If they sent you a deal sheet, post it but redact your personal info.