Volvo Lease Extension Questions

My lease is ending in a like 3 weeks. If I get the same car my lease payment will be $300+ more a month. I would really feel bad to order a car and back out, what is my alternative?

I wouldn’t worry about that if deposits are refundable where you live by dealer policy.

Unless you want a V60 Polestar or an EX-90 they’re swimming in inventory.

The programs in most cases are as good as they’ve been. I’d personally wait until mid-month in case we make it a hat-trick of consecutive months where vcfs changed the lease programs twice, but if you have costco and want a volvo:

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So I actually ordered an EX90 but they said I need a build number or something too many months away so I’m gonna cancel that preorder.

I have Costco but I don’t know the prices are just nuts. (Low key love Costco more than a normal man should lol)

Have you done the math to buy it and drive it at least until the warranty is up?

Stop looking at it as a binary between buying out your lease and signing a new Volvo lease. There are a lot of other makes and models out there.

You should start a new thread or bump a much more recent and relevant thread, since extending is not a meaningful solution for you. It’s just a bandaid.

What volvo do you want? Prices are pretty good now compared to MB/BMW/Audi/Lexus