UPDATED! 2018 BMW 640i GT. Brand new. WAS $591.13 $0 DAS no MSD. 24/10! NOW $555.04 after $1k CCA Rebate

Not sure how it works to post… I Just signed and off I go!! They have a few more

Year, Make, Model, and Trim:
Saved Numbers on Leasehackr Calculator:

Selling Price: $
Monthly Payment: $
Cash Due at Signing: $

Annual Mileage:

Leasehackr Score:


good deal. that is a FAT discount on a ~75k car. You sure it’s brand new, brand new? Looks punched with mileage at 34.

Who cares if it’s punched?


some people do, you might not and that’s good for you, but if I wanted to reproduce this deal on a BRAND NEW car, I’m not sure I’ll come close. I might be able to on a punched car, which is why I am asking if its punched. it also impacts whether or not you get $1000 from BMW CCA for a 6 series for example.

so yes it matters actually…I think you took my tone as condescending or making the guy feel bad, which was not my intention, relax man.

for reference, I currently drive a punched 535i and love it.

Can you please point out the verbage from bmwcca that says “punched” cars are ineligible?

$591/mo for a $75k car, again who cares if it’s punched, just assume that it was. Oh and I drive a punched 320I now, specifically a fart car.


Great deal!

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Well done!

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@joeblogs im in agreement with you, its a very nice and spicy deal, especially with $0 DAS and no MSDs. However, it does make a difference to me, especially when I’m shopping for a replacement for my 535i, which is why I asked.

per their website here: https://www.bmwcca.org/vehicle_rebate

Scroll down. I’m guessing this car does qualify since it’s under 1,000 miles (I believe punched are non-registered vehicles)? Can someone clarify as I was under the impression punched cars don’t qualify.


  • New passenger vehicles (including European Delivery & Performance Center Delivery), SAV’s & newly Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles.


  • New, non-registered vehicles in excess of 1,000 miles including company vehicles, retail demos or loaner vehicles. 3rd party brokers, lease companies, etc. do not qualify.
  • Already active Pre-owned vehicles not re-enrolled in the CPO Program.
  • MINI Models and Active E models are not included.

This is why i asked you to find the verbage you mentioned…

That’s a decent deal. I leased a fully loaded $85k MSRP, 640i GT at the end of last year for $699 including 5.9% tax. Nothing down to boot. I think you could do better.

I never cited any source or mentioned any verbiage from any source in my original post, I said for example based on what I understood as the rules. You asked me to find the verbiage, so I did and posted it for you.

If you’re the domain expert, why not just correct me or answer my question in the above post instead of having me waste my time? Isn’t this community about sharing and helping, which you clearly don’t subscribe to.

I could have done way better on a 36 mo lease but I like the 24 mo lease. Plus my tax is 7.75. Also this was not a demo. It only had 33 miles on it.

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Forgot to mention… got a hat thrown in too. Tradition is to always make a free hat part of the deal. I have a trophy collection at home. :rofl:


To take a page out of your book @mrpanda , relax man.

BMW changes their rules every other day, didn’t know if you knew something I didn’t.

I’m still curious how a car “looks punched” btw


Who cares if it’s punched, look at this guy. 34 miles is a few test drives.

Or a dealer trade. Website says it’s new, if that means anything.

I got my CCA $1,500 rebate from a punch 750.

It is no big deal, as long it is under 750 miles, I believe.

Wow what a steal good job enjoy punch the crap out of it for the next few years


Hi there! Not sure if they can replicate this exact deal. $1500 was for loyalty.