Ugliest US License Plates

I like the simple ones like Delaware and Oregon. And Wyoming because cowboy!!

The ones that suck are the ones where they try to get 10 things about the state on a plate and it’s too much and too busy.

And please states, enough with the dmv website on the plate. We can all Google by now.

I saw a plate recently that said either LOLEPA or EPALOL can’t remember which. It was on an M-series. I thought that was very clever. And surprised it was allowed through. I guess the geniuses at the DMV in charge of plates were too dumb to get it.

My favorites are the new Iowa plates, and texas lone star plates: be still my heart :heart_eyes:


Ooooh yeah that Iowa one is very nice. Well done, well done indeed.

The two fonts don’t vibe together, and the kerning on Iowa is :face_vomiting:

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Hey now, they’re quite proud of what they accomplished with their Apple II.

The Apple II had a better font set imho

Should we write a pilot for a sitcom on the Iowa DMV trying to design a plate using Windows 95, or would that be too derivative of Parks and Rec?

Probably. Something more

This arrangement is as bad as the Iowa font/kerning on those plates (what they chose for the plate id I like) — they deserve each other.

At work I call that a font party. :clown_face: :partying_face:

And it’s strictly prohibited.

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A proper license plate :slight_smile:

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@HersheySweet is that you flexing?

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Nah I’m betting it was a local who had a good year.

Texas black plates are on my luxury bucket list


Not gonna lie. The old plate was 100x cooler.

But I also know that Marylanders can’t tolerate anything that doesn’t bear the state flag.

The original CA Plate for the 80’s was pretty cool IMHO
The Subtle Red White and Blue helped I think.


It’s a license plate.
It’s a wrap.

It’s a


Season 2 Agree GIF by Paramount+

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I saw my first one yesterday on a 3-series at Starbucks :face_vomiting: :-1:t2::-1:t2:

Better than those digital plates with GPS trackers in them, but that isn’t saying much.

Totally legal. Stay classy NYC.