Trying to make sense of dealer discount

I’m trying to make sense of the pricing games that dealers play. Or maybe I’m just not understanding the terminology. The image is just an example that shows a “dealer discount” off of msrp. To me, this would be their “selling price without any rebates etc”. Its obviously not since I doubt they’re selling at 16% below msrp. Where are they getting this discount price if it doesn’t include rebates?

The screenshot specifically says “price before rebates.”

I’m not sure how else you can interpret this break down. It’s very straight forward. Even shows you the full price and what the break out of rebates are.


Ok so I could use that price before rebates in the lease calculator as the selling price?

You can use any price you want in the calculator, but it doesn’t mean a dealer will sell to you for that price.


Of course but back to my original question. Where does a dealer come up with a discount before rebates of 16%? Is he withholding rebates or something else? I suspect he’s not giving 16% off and then giving all rebates/incentives. Are people getting these kind of discounts off msrp from GM?

Why don’t you ask them or ask for a quote, they won’t :spoon: feed it and we won’t either, :bowl_with_spoon:

Oh and it’s edmunds, might want to search the vin on the Google’s and see what the dealers site says

Edmunds Suggested Price might be entirely wrong. Only way to know is to get multiple real quotes.

Wait a second, are you telling me I can’t buy a car from edmunds?! Lol

What doesn’t it matter where the 16% is coming from? If it’s the most competitive offer you’ve gotten and the dealer agrees to it, does it make a difference? The best price is the best price.

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Until someone gets a better price.

It says right in the screenshot that it’s Edmunds “recommended” price. It’s what they recommend you pay. It’s not an offer. I would just use that as a starting point when contacting dealers for actual offers. Truecar is also a decent place to see what minimum discount to start off with.

If it says 17% then aim for 25% and see where you get.

Agree. I fell for that Edmunds True Price stuff when I was buying my first couple of cars. You can do a lot better, but it may take a bit of work.

You honestly think a dealer is going to go give him almost 8k in dealer discount before rebates?

$7,210 but who’s counting.

I don’t see the harm in trying. Isn’t that how unicorns are made here? :slightly_smiling_face:

No harm in trying. Just concerned folks may think that’s a hard and fast rule to go by.

Just look at the whole 1% rule thing. Impossible to kill it.

this is a 27% discount from MSRP including rebates… so already way below manufacturer advertised discount which includes rebates in every %off ad. no GM ad is 16% “dealer discount” before rebate…