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$59705 msrp $53802 sale price.
Max msd. $3787 drive off.

I really appreciated the help of @Ursus, @nyclife, @Benedetto. It’s been roller coaster for searching the deal, without them I’ll probably be carless. Thanks you guys much.


@zinm’s 2018 XC90


Note the drive off had all tax in it, per ny state regulation.

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ah ok…house had a “miami shores” look to it but morningside makes sense as it’s nearby, hope your house was ok from Irma

Nice! Looking great. I am hoping to have mine soon


220 a month + tax 24/10 800 due at signing


Finally. But you can’t even rotate it? LOL

That is one heck of a deal

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It took me that long to figure out the camera thingy on my phone thingy. So give me a few months to learn to rotate the pic

It would be good if you could get a 294k msrp car for 1.2k a month. Lambo or McLaren anyone?

how can i get this same deal!??

Congrats i got the same car from a different dealer in NJ except I have the 20’s

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How kind of miles/yr is the deal? Thanks

I would have thought he would have interior pics too. Very disappointed. Need to take his title away. :grin:

You are asking for too much. He’s still trying to figure out that camera thingy.

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36months/7500. Thanks.

Helped my friend lease the follow last summer.

2015 BMW i3 Rex Dealer loaner with all packages - white color
MSRP - 55,345
Dealer discount - $8500
Adjusted cap cost-$33,871
RV - 64%!!

30 month/10k per year

Without MSD - $215/month
With MSD - $180/month
Drive off $2k - doc fee was $599…

This deal was ridiculously cheap for an i3. If my friend didn’t take it, I would have signed it.

Is this parked at the first Chevrolet dealer in the US? :rofl:

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No idea, it’s @zinm’s car. But I was wondering also.

Good catch, probably the lot was chevy dealership before.