Tread Lightly / Access Fund 2024


I’m confused on how Tread Lightly currently works. I have searched the forums and most comments are from 2022.

Is it true that Tread Lightly gets you 1% under invoice, if so what’s the benefit as we already negotiate well below that?

Is it true that Tread Lightly gets you an additional 1% discount off MSRP? This seems to conflict with what I see on the Tread Lightly website which states it gets you 1% below invoice.

Is the Access Fund still an option? What does the Access Fund get you?

If these are noob questions I apologize, I’m looking for confirmed current answers as opposed to answers from 2022.

It gives the dealer extra points that increase discounts as you can see in most CDJR deals in the marketplace. For instance my last deal I got 8% off invoice with tread lightly and it would have been 6% without.

You need to have the membership for 30 days before doing a deal.

Access fund has worked for me but technically not sure it’s an option. To be sure I’d just do TL

Lots of threads online about process but it’s not difficult. Good luck.

Affiliate (no matter how you get it) is supposed to be 1% under invoice, however, some dealers will give an additional affiliate credit on deeper discounts. Depends on your dealer.

For Tread Lightly, you have to sign up at the $100 level or higher to get affiliate.

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Thanks! Do you know if Access Fund still generates an affiliate code on FCA Website?

As of last year yes. A dealer might not accept it though.

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I’m assuming it would still work if you have a code for $50 off the $100 level?

Haven’t seen a TL membership discount code work in a while, but would love to be wrong.

Yes, if you have a discount code that works, youre good.

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