Trade in lease early

Hi- I’m sorry for all the questions today but hopefully someone can help.
I have 4 payments left on my car and I need to trade it in now for a minivan. How do I approach this with the dealer? The cars are not the same company.
Last time I traded in a car early I ended up getting a bill months later for a dead engine and all of these other random charges. It took me months to fight. Is there any other way to trade in a car for a completely different car?
I would love some advice on what to do and where to start.
I live in south Florida where Covid numbers are crazy and my son has a severely compromised immune system so going from dealership to dealership is not in the cards right now. I need to try and do this either over the phone or just make one trip and hope for the best.
Thank you!

I would check carvana / vroom/carmax for a price vrs your buyout first.

In relation to dealership to dealership you should be able to work with a sales rep via email or online. Some even home sliver and sanitize before test drive or delivery.

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In addition, this will provide more info.


@wehave4kids send us the offer you get we are beating offers up to $2,000 on trade ins & sell

& we can get you a new car any brand!!

I’ve traded all of my leases in early and have never had any issues. (Subaru,Chrysler,VW, Mazda)

First I would find out how much the payoff is on your current vehicle. Then check Carvana and Vroom to get an idea on what you can get for trade in.

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Thanks! I have always traded in my leases for another lease of the same car so I never worried about all those extra fees. When we traded in the VW for a Chevy was when I had all the issues. And, that time we didn’t “sell” them car, they paid off the remaining balance because we were so over miles. I realize now I made a mistake- but I learned.
This time we aren’t over miles or anything but we are going from 2 cars to 1, now that we aren’t driving anymore and we need that 1 car to be a minivan. My current minivan we are giving back using the lemon law so we don’t need to worry about trading it in. Of course this is all happening at the same time so I want to make sure I have all my options figured out.

I called GM and the pay off is $28300. I did carvana and I got $28,700 and Vroom was $30,000. My only question is do I pay taxes on any of that?

From your experience, is it easier for my to trade in the car when I lease my minivan? Or, should I sell to Vroom and go into my new minivan with nothing?

I’m sure you’ll get the same answers from others, but I would definitely sell to vroom or Carvana. There shouldn’t be any taxes involved since it’s going to a dealer. This way you can negotiate your lease free and clear without the trade confusing things.

All things considered, it sounds like you’re in pretty good shape here.

^^ Totally agree. You’re lucky to have these offers above your payoff! Unloading the car (and pocketing some extra cash) certainly frees you up and expands your options.

Or negotiate your deal without the trade and then see if that dealer can match carvana. If not no big deal but if yes you don’t need to deal with extra effort. I’ve done this in the past and phrase it as I’m going to sell this separately but wanted to offer it to you if you’re interested. That way I’m not changing the deal after the fact on them.

Thanks, I might try that.