Toyota Mirai DMV renewal

I’m sure it was grudgingly.

The opposite: it magically appeared as “an overpayment” which by theirs and my CPA’s calculation it wasn’t.

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Don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll change their mind and then hit you with a late charge like they did to me. They decided, despite processing my taxes and taking my money that I didn’t file, then 4 years later told me about it, and charged me a 4 year late fee, on a payment they had already processed.

As much of a PITA as that sounds, it doesn’t approach the aggravation of dealing with the Canada Tax Authorities in the Province of Quebec (who is trying to collect monies we definitely paid them in 2014, from a business we closed in 2017, and will only speak French while doing so).

Nor frankly the Florida Dept of Revenue (for business unemployment) who we owed a flat $100/quarter (for insurance we literally could never use) and I must have paid (on average) $1,000 a year in late fees on that because of form mistakes in Quickbooks payroll that caused them to process the payment we made for insurance we could never use incorrectly.