Top 5 camera phones to buy.?

hey all
looking for suggestions to get my hands on best camera smartphone, drop yours best camera-mobiles models, suggestions will be appreciated.

Just buy the one you’re comfortable using. Samsung S24 ultra has the best camera, however I can’t stand using android, thus going back to iphone.

Get a 14 Pro. I regret buying a 15 Pro, the lens blur is horrible.

Really? I got great shots with my 15 Pro, while I had it.

I ended up dumping it for an S24 Ultra because I can’t stand using IOS.

I like the Pixel phones for their color rendition, but my 7 Pro was so wonky with weird errors that I didn’t move up to the 8. That said, the Pixel 8 Pro is very nice in the camera comparisons I’ve seen.

Iphone or Galaxy.

The real quality will come if you learn to how to tweak the in app settings to adapt to your shot.

Paging @Russo

I really thought someone bumped an old thread from 2011


I’m still using 11 Pro :sunglasses:

There are 3 awesome options

S24 ultra

Pixel 8 pro

Iphone 15 pro

All are great

Or 2003?

Nowadays the concept of a “top 5” makes no sense at all. It’s a two horse race between Android and IOS, then you choose the best phone in each OS sphere.

The kind of person who chooses the best camera and crosses the OS aisle just for the camera’s sake, they are so picky that surely they’ve made up their own mind and don’t care what Internet forums think.

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Interesting. I only used the camera app for vacation photos, which were great. It sounds like most of the issues are using other apps. But like I said, I sold it, so it doesn’t matter much to me anyway. :smiley:

I got the 15 Pro and so far its great.

I can say iPhones, Samsung S24 Ultra, and the Pixels(great software) are the best cameras. iPhones have the best video, but their photos are a bit too “HDR-ey”. HDR is a great feature, but I feel it looks a bit overdone on iPhone.

That said, people tell me I take incredible photos with my iPhone 14 Pro Max. I only make a few changes, and it’s mostly getting the settings right. I am NOT a good, or even great, photographer. It mostly comes down to the setup and timing. If you know what you’re doing, any phone within the past 5 years will give you a solid result.

Marquez has been running a blind smartphone camera test for the past 2 years. You can take a look at the results in this video.

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