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I’m scared to ask about the trade details.

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You have the wrong box checked on tax treatment in calculator you sent. I get

$304/mo with $4960 DAS or
$439/mo with $0 DAS (assuming I picked the right option on your incentives)

Obviously I didn’t look at any other numbers to verify

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The Corolla is more like a $1 car


So the broker was able to pull some strings and get you a Hyundai Tucson at MSRP?


Sticker seems about right for these cars if the dealer fee is low

This calc didn’t check the MN box, if you checked the MN tax, it comes out to $0 drive off $406 monthly.

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Not to be super critical, you should know Drive off plus monthly before committing to the deal. Did the broker not tell you?

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Why would you commit to a deal before figuring all of this out beforehand? Talk about working backward…


We can’t answer your question until you have all the information. Everything is speculation to this point. Thread should probably be closed until you get that info, but I will just hope people stop posting until you provide it.

Have you checked the marketplace to see what other brokers are offering on the same car?

Off the top of my head, assuming @jeisensc numbers are correct, this looks okay for the market. I imagine the Tucson is probably pretty popular.

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Looks like the OP deleted everything