This is on my sister’s 2021 m550. She said she hit a pothole going about 45 two days ago but wasn’t that bad. It just blew shortly ago as she was driving through a parking lot. It has 19 wheels.
Doesn’t look like rim is damaged, get the tire replaced with similar to one being replaced ie: if run-flat, replace with run-flat
Is there a question…or what are we looking to accomplish with this thread…?
I think the question is what should I do, the answer is get a new tire of the same caliber, and get the rim checked out.
Getting a new tire goes without question. The question is anyone ever see a run flat blow out on the sidewall like that?
Needs to be inspected after the tire is dismounted.
Afaik runflats have been known to bubble on sidewall so a blowout there can likely happen
M550s are one of the worst cars in the bmw lineup as far as tires go.
The car is heavy and the sidewalls on these are not forgiving.
Without exaggerating I have had m550 owner clients who have replaced 6+ tires per year
Ok, thanks for the insight. Just wanted to make sure it wasn’t an anomaly.
Unfortunately not
5 series and X7s are about the worst in the lineup for tire life