TIP! Save 2k on Volvo lease with ABA membership -- you don't have to be a lawyer

I had my local dealer tell me you had to be a member as of September 1st for the code to be valid. It sounded like BS to me but has anyone else ran into this?

Not sure but joined toward end of October and used pin Oct 31.

Amex is just $500.

I mentioned I’d seen multiple people say there was no waiting period and they claimed those dealers that had accepted them will have them denied

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I did this last year. You can get an immediate pin and there are student memberships.

Fingers crossed it goes thru. For those considering - Only good until 12.31.

Anyone heard if the Costco lease cash is going to be stackable with this ABA deal? I’ve heard from one broker that it won’t stack.

I and 2 other people I know have stacked Costco and ABA this year; they are two separate things.




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I dont see any broker showing this in their calculators… so you can replace a-plan with ABA and stack with costco + loyalty and come out even better. You are talking about bringing those T8s to a ~$200/mo pre-tax

I’ve not seen anyone really getting into $2xx yet…
But yet T8 at low $3xx is possible.

I could be wrong but im seeing:

~10% off (on a $75k T8 Plus its $7500)
$7500 EV
$2k Costco
$500 Loyalty
$2k ABA
$3750 Lease credit

that gives you roughly a $240/mo pre tax. I made a mistake earlier stacking A-Plan.

I could be off here so happy to be corrected. The lease credit is nebulous to me but its what im seeing from multiple brokers - ranging from $3k-4k

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After going through this rigorously for past couple of weeks, I am convinced that getting into $240 is nearly impossible. Best I’ve seen is around $305.

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Thats what i had seen until seeing this ABA incentive. So I am just adding $1500 to what I had seen previously. And I am not saying you can get it but its theoretically possible. I’d love a broker to chime in.

Depreciation cannot be negative. Just the rent charge by itself is almost $300 last I checked


you are right! i didnt notice that. rent charge is $283 at 10% off. So yes looks like the discounts and rebates are limited by depreciation - it cant be negative but it can be very small so aiming at a $300/mo is prob right


Any issues with your ABA PIN going through? I just signed up, through the student route for free, which they didn’t have any formal verification for. I didn’t create my account with my .edu email address, but I am also not in a formal degree program right now. I was able to Apply and generate my own PIN. I plan to work a deal later this month.

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Went thru no issues for me

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Does Volvo require $1 or $100 in positive depreciation?


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