Thunder Auto - March CDJR Dodge Daytona Madness SCAT PACK 153/M First DAS W/ affiliate

Hi all,

This will be my thread for all things CDJR related. I will be posting my deals below as replies to this thread. Please text for quickest responses

TEXT: 929-737-9339

Time to kick things off, as I mentioned I am more of a fan of doing unicorn deals and so I will be offer TWO Dodge Daytona R/T EVs (62k MSRP) as a one off deal.

You will need affiliate to qualify.
Including NJ taxes - 160$/M sign and drive 10k/24M
999 broker fee

Without affiliate this pricing goes up ~250$/M

This deal is has about a ton of dealer coupons thrown at it which will eventually run out and obviously wont be able to sustains this. If you are in the east coast, will need to be shipped (~600$ to ship one).

Happy March! lets get this rolling!


Want to confirm this is $600 to ship to NJ? Do you know the process of getting affiliate code?

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600$ is the approx price to ship to Nj correct. You can sign up for tread lightly but its a 30 day cooldown until you can use it

You can also check on the affiliate rewards website to see if you qualify through your job. That would go into effect immediately.

Thank you. I checked previously and my company wasn’t listed. Checked again and it’s there. I guess the search function is sensitive.

Just sent a PM. Interested in seeing the specs of the cars.

Jeep GC 4XE - 11.5% off W/Affiliate
24M is the sweet spot

278+ Inception DAS
499 Broker Fee

225/M Dodge Daytona Scat Pack - Free shipping to NJ. First DAS 82k MSRP

Someone please come and grab this. Please dont reach out if you don’t have affiliate. Use this link to check -

999 Broker Fee


Dropping these to 153$/m first das for NJ taxes for scats. All colors available except orange. 83k MSRP, must have affiliate.

Available to all states, taxes will change slightly but still well under 200/m if you have affiliate and not a state that taxes on selling price (TX, VA,MD, etc).

Sample shipping cost to NJ is 650$~

Dropping my broker fees on these to 599$!!! Limited availability as these are using dealer EV coupons which there is a set amount


Pretty crazy deal. Including TDM?

What’s the range on one of these?

No tdm, 240~ miles

9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Charger daytona EV incentives

How are the numbers for the jeep wagoneer S ?

OP went silence when trying to complete the deal on the scat pack:( is he legit? Sent him my affiliate code

OP probably went shopping with my affiliate code:(

There is his review Thread. You should be fine, it’s a weekend evening though give him some grace. Most dealers closer 5pm or so on Sat, not much he can do after.

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Fyi I did not go silent on you. I’m just choosing not to respond when you’re deliberately trying to use affiliate codes belonging to your relatives and claiming to be yours. Please take your business elsewhere.


The Affiliate program is pretty tight, you can’t just shop someone else’s code. It has to be in your name, address has to match, etc. They even want to see work badges, paystubs, etc to make sure you qualify.

Didn’t I tell you it’s my sister-law code and she is fine having her name on the title. If that cant be done, you can just no and I will take my business elsewhere.

6 posts were split to a new topic: Charger daytona EV incentives