Tesla Ordering Tips - And Most Other Reasonable Things Tesla

MY price increased to $54990…


That was quick. Lol

Tesla breaks the market again.

On that note, there’s not been a better time to look at roundel badged alternatives.

The i4 35e is particularly interesting even with a modest discount.

Can you even get them?

Had several allocations last month that sold even without the rebate. I’m sure we’ll get more soon but for now it’s order bank — We have no waitlist on this variant for the time being.

Now that Tesla has increased the MY price, Ford is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Whether you like Tesla or not, they have definitely shaken up the traditional automotive business model.


If only Tesla would increase build quality rather than change pricing every few weeks.

Quantity over quality. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Realistically though they still have the lead past the horizon on any other BEV manufacturer stateside with their charging network and growing ubiquity.

Now they really just need to consider licensing independent shops to take care of the whole servicing kerfuffle.

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how does tesla apply $7500 rebate and local rebates to lease - i’m in IL and there’s a $4000 rebate for EVs

does tesla even qualify for IL EV rebate since they aren’t technically a dealer

Just got a bundle actually. :grin:

They don’t


Looks like Tesla just reduced their lease price to 349/mo on their base series


$6,000 down?

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Tesla is going for the jugular.


Still before taxes and fees though, yes?

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It was $399, so it’s $50 off

In order for them to pass on the full $7500, it needs to be $199 lol

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Teslas DAS calcs include acq fee, etc so its just registration and local taxes that need to be added if I remember my contract correctly.

Cmon! Tesla…please take a page out of the 2017 BMW i3 playbook😁

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