Tesla Model 3 News

I don’t think they’re immediately labeled “a hater”, but the vast majority on here and other forums that complain just enjoy trolling. Most have never seen a Model 3, much less sat in the car or driven one.

It’s funny, I have absolutely zero skin in the game. I don’t work for Tesla and don’t even own stock in Tesla, but I really appreciate what they do and produce. Sure there are time’s they’re going to disappoint. They’ve had intermittent issues with quality control and no doubt they’ve had delays in delivery, but they’re by no means any kinds of issues that have been outrageously horrible. What I do take issue with is when people shoot down other people’s preferences in cars based on zero personal experience. If you wanted to purchase a porsche and I were to start ranting about how horrible porsches are based on a few isolated issues, hearsay, or design choices, you’d consider me a hater when it comes to that particular car. Some of us are excited about the car based on our personal experience, so I really don’t get why you take issue with that.

I don’t understand why…but I don’t take issue with it.

I am no Tesla lover but I think you would be passing up an opportunity if your model 3 reservation comes to fruition in a few weeks. Just buy and resell is good enough to make money. The Florida guy who got it in December already sold his for a cool 10 k profit.

of course, if they keep jerking you around till later or end of the year (Right ng0?), then not worth the wait, at least not now…

definitely a painful wait, but even if the wait ends up being 6 months, it’s more than worth it in my opinion :slight_smile:

What about 9 months? Or 13? Or, well, we talked about waiting as long as it takes :grin:

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I will agree with that … hope to see your model 3 photo in the hackr garage on or before 08/15 …

[quote=“mp11477, post:717, topic:12831, full:true”] What has Tesla done for these Model 3 reservists, other than borrow your money interest free?

Almost single handedly pushed the entire car industry forward. EV, OTA, autopilot, first party dealers, mobile service, etc. It’s a breath of fresh air when a company comes in a breaks up the monotony.

I have a reservation ready to be built. Went to see one at the store yesterday but I might hold out for AWD.

Could you buy it and transfer it to me :slight_smile:

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Get ready for the firestorm when everyone who buys a Model 3 gets the sticker shock of either $1875 or ZERO federal tax credit in 2019.

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Just my 2c.
Love the discussion and the emotions that are coming through it.
Regardless you love or hate Tesla, Elon Musk or the electric vehicles in general, you must give it to him. If it wouldn’t be for Musk, I doubt we as a global society would be even talking about electric vehicles, rockets that return to Earth or solar roofs.
IMO he already achieved what he wanted in the first place - a jolt towards progress.

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I’m not sure I agree with pushing the EV forward. The industry had to move that direction due to CA regs + CAFE requirements

I think there are a ton listed on eBay including some to transfer

The Volt was a response to the Roadster. The big 3 Germans have all admitted Tesla is their new competition. What more proof is needed?

Tesla sold a little more than 100k vehicles last year. GM sold 3 million in the US alone. Tesla might be beating GMs EV sales, but not by much. I’m missing the competition here. They are a ways off from being anything more than a blip on the radar

Yeah we agree that you are missing it. :wink:

Bolting from Model 3 reservations. :smiley:

A Dyson electric vehicle is guaranteed to suck, in fact it will suck powerfully … like all Dysons