Hi. About two and a half weeks ago I leased an Equinox Ev 2rs. The finance department reached out to me that accidentally they only charged 6% tax instead of 7% and they might need me to come in to resign the contract.
Can they make me make the trip all the way out there? 2) Can they now raise the price even though the deal we negotiated was tax-in?
I still have not received anything from GM Financial, and my first payment is due in about a week and a half. Does this mean they never put the deal in?
I’d really appreciate any advice on this.
Thank you
I agree that the dealer made a mistake, but the contract didn’t specify the tax percentage, so there was no way for me to catch it without going over all the numbers.
Their is a clause in all contracts that address what happens if an error is made or a lease does not fund. The fact that you do not have a GM Account is most likely tied to the deal not funding. The above options @mllcb42 laid out are typically in the contract.
You can ask if they’ll FedEx it to you with a return label as well. That’s at least a reasonable request.
Something like that. Unless they can also charge me on down Payment and rebates, its also about 40 min drive from me and don’t want to go back out there
If you won’t resign, they absolutely can and will cancel the lease (unless you’re able to talk them into eating the difference, but even then, I’d expect to resign a corrected contract)