Tax Error? Out of state lease to NC

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Congrats on the car, you should get a refund for tax overage after vehicle is registered and plated.


Since it’s included in the capitalized amount, wouldn’t it be subject to the MF?

Did you have the incentives set to taxed or untaxed?

Incentives were set to taxed, had zero drive off selected.

yea thats the consequence of rolling in anything but at a MF of 0.0028, the extra $500 is like $1.50/mo

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People here don’t talk enough about the fact that it does cost money to finance things like taxes, acquisition fees, etc.


there’s pros and cons to every side of the deal and thats why this site exists, to educate yourself so you can make an informed decision

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Yup, I guess just in general, I don’t understand the point of doing zero due leases unless the money factor is basically nothing. Obviously I understand not putting any money down, but zero due, not 100% sure what the reasoning is for that.

You have to pay the acquisition fee, there is no way around it, if you’re in an upfront tax state, it has to be paid upfront and if you roll it in, all you’re now doing is financing your taxes.


like OP for an example,

financed that extra $4117 at 6.72% which is an extra $11.50/mo ($415 in 36 months) for the peace of mind that if his new car gets totaled tomorrow, he’s not out $4117.

if his car gets totaled 18 months down the line, he’ll have paid a total of (839x17) $14263 or $792/mo. Had he done 1st mo, acq fee, doc fee, taxes upfront, then he’s out (3991+713x17) $16238 or $902/mo.

Break even point is at month 33 where’s it’s now more expensive to have done that $0 DAS deal. More times than not im willing to bet that extra $415 for the peace of mind that you haven’t lost any money.

Thats why I personally choose to do the lowest DAS allowed.

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In NC the sales tax is 3% of the payment amount which should go in item 7-J. That’s another $25 so your total payment here is going to be $864.

I would call the dealer back and let them know they didn’t include the correct taxes. When you go to register the car there’s also a form you submit to the NC DMV which basically says you don’t owe any sales tax as it is included in the payment and will be sent directly to the state from Audi FS.

Your tax rate on leases in NC is 3%, but I believe you will owe 3% on your CCR of 21660.69 as well, or roughly $650, as well as a monthly tax of $24.34. I have your monthly payment coming in at $835.82 with those changes.

Additionally, I know that sales/use tax is collected on Doc/Acq/govt fees when paid upfront, but am unsure of whether these are taxed when capitalized. That would add an additional 50 bucks or so in taxes.

I have the same thing happening as we speak with an out of state deal being registered in NC. I pointed out the tax issue to the dealer and they insisted it was correct (they are wrong). I am interested to see if TFS rejects the deal or whether there is a reimbursement from the state since the taxes were capitalized. I assume the former since the monthly payment is incorrect (and inflated) since it does not include a monthly tax component.

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