Sunset Cliffs > Snowy Off Ramp

A little bit of drama here today (a spot where tourists occasionally fall-and-die taking crazy selfies)

A friend sent their own pics a couple hours ago before the news broke

I was shocked people were inside! Thankfully did not go off the Coronado bridge as he threatened.

It’s still a crazy crazy time: please ask for help if you need it.


Don’t want to say this occurs often but it’s often enough to say “again?” at Sunset Cliffs and the Clam. It’s more thrill seekers for the latter but it’s still in the same category as selfies IMO. Twin brothers I went to high school with in SD drowned after jumping into the Clam. At some point the unobstructed views are going to be obstructed with rails or chains to prevent the non-vehicular incidents.

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wow so crazy. When I saw that picture, I was like, omg that looks like SD.

Often enough that it is all the Seals and Sea Lions discuss :dolphin::speaking_head::speaking_head:


FCA product, if they just leave it there, it’ll rust away really quick.


A lot of things are fair game in Off Ramp… I’m not sure this is one of them.

A reportedly suicidal father and his two 3-year-old daughters were rescued Saturday after the man’s truck hit the bottom of Sunset Cliffs in Point Loma, police said.


To anyone thinking about self harm, reach out. I’ve been there more than once. Hospitalized, and currently recovering.

18002738255 <— national suicide hotline, if you are thinking, please call, it means a lot to me.

1866-488-7386 <— Trevor project, an international lgbt suicide hotline, they do amazing work, one of my favorite charities for how they helped my friend after she came out to her parents and they reacted, not so well.


Imagine the things they’ve seen at La Jolla Cove. :shushing_face:

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I’ve always been a fan of your intelligent posts. Your honesty and bravery in sharing this post makes me have even greater respect for you. It is hard to believe that you are only 17 years old. My wife is a psychologist who runs a not-for-profit called the Faulk Center for Counseling. From her, l have a better understanding of mental health problems and how important it is that we end the stigma so that people can get the help they need. Thanks for helping to spread awareness. I wish you the best of health.


Just a heads up, it’s 1-800-273-8255. Amazing resources and people indeed!


Friends hospital, absolute worst mental hospital on the east coast I’ve been to.

I’ve gone through 5x medications and am now medication free, managing symptoms through therapy, I just feel bad for the people I’ve lost along the way. Mental health is way under estimated in this country, I’ve lost 3x classmates to suicide so far in MS and HS. I’m lucky to have not died, and I miss those who were not so lucky.

Please tell your wife thank you for her work, every single one makes a difference.

@DG-X5 I kind of typed both by memory, I’ll change it, thank you.


I do have to second what @beachbumfl is saying. It is really important to spread awareness and provide assistance to those in need rather than stigmas. There is a lot of stuff going on in people’s lives that create these situations, as seems to be the case with this father, but it is always better to talk to someone and get the help needed.

On another note, was this a replacement for the Altima or the potential V60?

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I’m still getting #s, for a giulia, Stelvio, and g350e locally, I passed on the v60 for a v60cc loaner deal in writing with an unnamed dealer for MSDs, 26x/month, 5xx das, 48xxx msrp they know I’m cross shopping they say I have till end of month or it’s wholesale.

Altima is sold to carvanna for 9.8k, I’m getting our s60 for insurance reasons, my dad has a thing for suvs so whatever I get for the least (our insurance on a Mercedes g350e is cheaper than an Altima, and cheaper with everything I looked at except a V90 cc ($3/month more), go flipping figure). So who cares. I like the Giulia, my dad says pass unless it’s cheap, which I think is doable I’ll post every deal I have pocketed end of week in a big ass thread and plan to pickup whichever he gets then too.

So we’re dedicated to a new car at this point unless I want to ride a bus for an hour each morning and afternoon :face_vomiting:. It’s now time to decide what hunk of metal we want to stare at for the next 24-36 months.

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Another new Volvo would do the trick! Volvo insurance has always been considerably cheaper to insure than any other car for me. No idea why, as they can be just as pricey as some of the German cars. I would think that the Giulia would have a more expensive quote. Either way, nice job on that V60CC loaner. Someone will probably take that prior to the end of the month if you guys don’t.

V90CC must have better deals than a MB. XC60 loaner can have Costco as well.

I’ll pm you dealer sheet to vouch I’m not capping. It’s real, and I’m to quote my dad obsessing over this like it’s a drug.

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No need to vouch, but the numbers are always interesting.

Only vehicle I was remotely interested in was a V60CC (and one with some more careful drivers on top of that), so no worries about any deals being stolen by me.

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Yolo worst thing I do it again.

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“The manager is getting upset.”

I think that is the max on the V60CC. Still, great deal!


I think this is fitting as well :laughing:.


Those are really good numbers… if I was the sales manager, I may be upset too :joy::rofl::joy: