Stanford Prison Experiment

This alone wouldn’t solve the problem of dealers trying to make further profit with add ons and warranties


Customers trying to gain an Advantage by getting those things for free

It’s human nature

Tell that to Saturn


Not trusting dealers to give us a good deal off the first pencil = bad consumer?

Elon is going to Mars not Saturn, duh :laughing:

But Tesla has something that Saturn doesn’t, demand for their cars. If Saturn existed today, would they be the same cultural icon that Tesla is?

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You may want to learn something from the real Pros, like Benedetto.


I’m always willing to learn. Don’t forget, most of my experience and existence here has been trial-by-fire.

The majority of my customer base leased cars for $132/month or less. Taking a broader look at the Forum, the majority of posts and ads are for higher-end cars. Even on lower end brands, it’s the higher-priced inventory that moves. On the Toyota threads, I see a lot more pictures of Trucks than pictures of Corollas.

It’s clear to me that there is a market for leasing lower-priced vehicles, but that market is not necessarily operating at the same level as the leasing experts, moderators, et al on this site.

It’s not an insult to the market either: popular opinion is that Buying is Cheaper than Leasing. The Buy:Lease ratio is more in favor of Buying on Hyundai than it may be on other brands/models.

There is less transparency in lower-end brands. Some of the good advice on this site is misconstrewed and doesn’t necessarily “trickle down” well, which creates, what I view in my market, as Prisoner vs Guard moments.

The original intention of this thread was to see if anyone else was connecting lines between the Prisoner/Guard relationship and the Customer/Dealer relationship. I’ve gotten my answer about those two players, and been prompted to think more about where the Brokers and the Forum Users fit into that equation.

Given that, thanks for engaging with me and helping me. I’ve been lurking on here for years, and followed an organic progression from Lurker, to User, to Customer, to Broker. Feeling hats change, having different roles in the same dealerships, has been an eye-opening experience. I hope you don’t mind my attempts to give that experience back to the community, by trying to do something memorable and different with my content.

As much as it’s allowed, I will keep 'em coming. I encourage you to push back on me when I’m off my rocker.
I do think that this one has run it’s course… I’ll see you next time for “The Milgram Experiment”

Thank you again,

Mods, please close it down at your convenience… this thread is 65+ posts long, much off-topic, and although there’s really more agreement than argument going on, we’re way off base from the psychological study that spawned this. I’ve got what I need out of this, for sure!