Stacking BMW OL Code, Fleet Discount, Loyalty, College Grad incentives?

It does suck. BMW essentially gutted the fleet program

Is there a way to tell on my lease contract if they ended up using fleet? The way things wouldn’t stack my rebates were the same at the time with or without it so I was indifferent. Found out about the CAA rebate afterwards.

There is a rebate line item on the contract so it will either reflect the amount of fleet or stacked credits. Also if you had a BMW lease or loan in the past 12 months you aren’t eligible for fleet.

Thanks. The amounts ended up being the same so I can’t tell by just the one line. No bmw car or loan within 12 months. Loyalty would have been a nice perk since fleet didn’t end up helping me anyways.

@LeaserOC did your CCA rebate come through?

They refunded me my membership fee as I was not eligible.