“SOLD”2024 BMW IX 50 $845 (pre-tax), 22 months left, $0 DAS, MSRP102,645 including Bowers & Wilkins and Air Suspension

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2024 BMW iX xDrive50
Location: Phoenix, AZ

MSRP: $102,645
Monthly payment (pre-tax): $845.42
Effective monthly payment (if incentive is provided): $845.42+tax

Current mileage: 7405

Maturity mileage: 45,000
Effective miles per month: 1708

Maturity date: 11/30/2026
22 months left
MSD due (if any): $0
Cash due (if any): $0
Incentive for new lessee (if any): $0

Financial institution: BMW FS
Transfer fee: $500 (Paid by seller)
Out-of-state transfer allowed (yes/no): Yes

Perfect Condition, No Accidents and clean title, Local driving
MSRP $102,645
Driving Assistance Pro Pkg $2300

Luxury Package $1150

Premium Package $3700

Bower & Wilkins Sound System $3700

Sport Package $2500

2-Axle Air Suspension $1000

Front Ventilated Seats $500

Excellent condition.

Reduced down payment!!

Please update the effective monthly amount and cash due in your post.

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Reduced down payment!!

what is the buyout price at the end of the lease?


Reduced down payment!!

I’m interested. Will send a private message.

im very interested

Transfer Pending.