[SOLD] 2019 BMW 750i M Sport 110K MSRP 12 Months, 14K miles a year! $993/month (Texas Tax inc) with $4,395 incentive


Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2019 BMW 750i Msport Package.
Location: Houston, TX

MSRP: $109,265
Monthly payment (tax-included): $1,360
Effective monthly payment (if incentive is provided): $993 after $4395 incentive

Current mileage: 21374
Maturity mileage: 35006
Effective miles per month: 1,136 a month 14K a year!!
Maturity date: 09/06/2021

MSD due (if any): 0
Cash due (if any): 0
Incentive for new lessee (if any): $4,395

Financial institution: BMW
Transfer fee: $500
Out-of-state transfer allowed (yes/no): Yes

Vehicle condition (accidents, tire wear, etc.), options, and other details: Excellent condition overall. Loaded with M Sport Package, Luxury Package, Cold Weather Package, and Driver’s Assistance Package. Too much to list!!

9a181df6-22da-43cb-a45f-b21a7b5f6b79 22e13396-c317-482e-8fea-dfeee68cd2e9 3e29cc6b-807e-4177-934a-b3c238c5ec9c ccc99b06-7d8e-4d0f-8276-70b45b1e94e9 cc8b6dab-e082-42e3-968b-73bbc4ea578c

How does 1224mi/mo equal to 17k/yr? I think your other mileage calculations are also wrong.

HI, It was a typo. I fixed it. 1136x12=13633. Thank you for letting me know.