Current mileage: 17,500
Maturity mileage: 30,040
Effective miles per month: 1,254
Maturity date: 10/29/2020
Cash due (if any): $1,500 (paid to me)
Financial institution: BMW Financial
Transfer fee: $500 (paid to BMW)
Out-of-state transfer allowed (yes/no): Yes
Vehicle condition (accidents, tire wear, etc.), options, and other details:
No accidents
Car well maintained
Tired good conditions
Maintenance done on timely manner
Tags recently paid through the balance of lease
Actually it’s about 9-10 months depending on how quickly the process goes. I’ve seen a couple X2’s on here but they are the basic models or color combination are bland. I think this short lease would be for someone that likes the color combination (M Sport) and wants something fun. It also has a good amount of miles left to be driven frequently. I would keep it but I was just given a company car. If not buyers come up then I’ll just keep it as a weekend car. Thanks!