SoCal 2019 BMW 330i Loaner Deal Check

So I have a deal on the table for a loaner 2019 330i loaner car with 4,660 miles.

Some of the figures the dealer is offering don’t make sense to me. They are offering $2,000 in rebates, even though I think we only qualify for $1,000 conquest cash plus $500 lease cash.

They aren’t budging on price, but they say the $399/mo payment include Los Angeles County sales tax (9.5%) if I’m not mistaken.

Their offer is coming in cheaper than the number I plug into the calculator. Anyone know what may be going on? Can I do better?

How is anyone supposed to compare your calculation to the dealer’s number if we don’t have the lease worksheet?

Fair enough. I will ask for the lease work sheet.

Update. This is their offer sheet

In your LH calculator you have a $500 post-sale rebate. If that is for CCA, I believe the loaner cars do not qualify for the CCA rebate. Just fyi…


Good looking out. Thank you.

399 for 2k DAS on a 43k fart car? Does not seem like a LH worthy deal. Need more off msrp before incentives. If they won’t budge, and you can wait, and you can find others optioned the way you want, WALK

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Get a more reasonable 17% discount (but try for more) and put your money toward MSDs rather than cap cost reduction, and get the same payment (but obviously saving $2k over the lease term).

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Thanks everyone. They refused to budge in terms of pricing plus the car wasn’t in the best condition so we walked away. The wife was disappointed, but I had a feeling we could do better.

It’s Autonation, I’d keep expectations low


It’s Autonation i wouldn’t expect any thing.:upside_down_face:


Lessons learned. Autonation = waste of time.

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Autonation is a company that owns car dealership right? Kinda like McKenna bmw and crevier bmw?