Signed: Genesis G70 3.3T Sport 36/12 $525/mo driveoffs

Yeah I noticed the Q50 is leasing really well but I hadn’t actually priced it out. Very nice car too, I drove my friends

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And poorer handling, and you have to use the God-awful Infiniti infotainment system they haven’t updated since 2014. I’ll take the power and steering/handling combo in the G70 over the straight line speed any day. In fact, I did.


I agree the infotainment is terrible but power wise?! Idk about that. Have you driven one yet? The redsport felt faster. But i only testdrove the genesis. Car drove really nice though and interior is way better looking than the q50. I just couldnt see the value of paying like more than $100 a month on it than the q50 but if it were the same , i would take the genesis.

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It’s true they lease well but that’s where the appeal ends for me. I’d personally rather pay more for a vehicle that I’ll enjoy for all of the 2 or 3 years it’s in my garage.

So do you think these g70 lease well right now and are worth what they are asking for?

If you gave me an option of this car at the price the OP got it for and a Q50 for $100 less I would still take this. Does that answer the question?

No not actually didnt answer the question at all. You just said you take the genesis all day. What about other cars/options at that payment?

I’m not seeing how you can get to $5xx with $3k lease cash and a 52% residual. You sure you don’t mean $625? This is very close to the same figure a ton on Stinger GT2 people have gotten and they are definitely not in the $500s.

Based on the numbers he provided, it should actually be lower, not higher than his posted value

Residual changed to 51% and I think he bumped the mf very slightly (Genesis has almost zero mf) but like I said I was happy with the deal so…

Pretax monthly was 480 something plus socal tax.
The msrp was reduced because they can’t charge destination on a used car. Minor things like that made the calculator tricky

Once it’s in the low 400s range, I will take it ahahah

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Low 400s I’ll take 2!

Look who is rated #1 by car and driver! Also editors choice and one of their 10 best cars 2019. This isn’t a step down from the 3 series or c-class, it’s a step up


This is wrong. I paid ~$600 before tax for my 2017 C43, which includes 3 year maintenance. MSRP was around 65k. Nothing down besides MSDs (4) and drive offs.

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His base pay actually came out to $457 before taxes and any money put down. But if he got the base mf his monthly base would be at $430. Mf right now is really good with genesis. They just have bad residuals. But with his money down before taxes and their fees, your base pay with mf at .00046 is at $420 and if he got the base mf he would be at $395. I just dont know how much they charge in fees and taxes.

I got $579.

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I got $579.

Nice!! What color did you go for?

I mean on your math… Came out higher.

What are you doing math wise that’s getting so much bigger numbers than the calculator?

Used Edmunds with his exact numbers.