Signed: E-tron Prestige 24/7500- 465/mo Including tax, 3000 DAS, MSRP: 83510

Year, Make, Model, and Trim:2019 E-Tron Prestige
MSRP: $83510
Monthly Payment: $465-including tax
Drive-Off Amount: 1800 Effective

  1. 3000 TTL/Acq fee
  2. 4250 sec deposite
  3. -1800 trade equity from my Premium Plus
  4. -3600-my security deposit from my PP applied to DAS

Annual Mileage:7500
Incentives:10% Costco, 7500 lease cash, 9500 marketing allowance, 2000 loyalty
Leasehackr Score:13.4
Leasehackr Calculator Link:

This may or may not sound too good to be true, but I’m extremely satisfied with this deal. For the last month I took it as a challenge/hobby to get out of my premium plus and into a prestige. I emailed multiple dealers and usually got crickets, but I got one dealer to bite. I was willing to take a small bath to get out of my premium plus, but in the end it was almost a wash. In the end it was all about the chase and the process for me.

Edit: Dealer told me they are unable to replicate.

@vhooloo does this qualify for your challenge?


Very solid deal.

Congrats navidg! How did you get out of your Premium Plus lease?

I asked them to take it and they did. Lol. I was actually shocked to tell you the truth.

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I should add that I had to push for the max trade in value.

That’s just friggin hilarious and awesome at the same time! You probably still had white paint marks on your PP’s tires, lol. Which color did you get? Take it you did not go back to the same dealer?

Now, the real question: was 24 cheaper than 36 b/c of incentives? What was the difference?

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I got a light silver color with black inside. 24 month is cheaper because of incentives.

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That’s cold hard cash you could have walked away with but you put down instead.

So your DAS is $1,800 as stated plus the $5,400 of the above.

Your new MSD is not considered part of the DAS.

I’m not sure I follow what you’re saying. I used the 5400 towards the new MSDs and drive offs which together add up to about 7250.

Was there an edit or maybe I focused on the title instead of the details?

Unless I am missing something your DAS is:

$3,000 directly out of your pocket
$5,400 indirectly out of your pocket
Out of which $4,250 went toward MSD
= $4,150

I edited it to show what DAS actually was without the trade. I’m not sure how to better clarify.

I only gave them a check for 1800 dollars.

This is next level. Trading in your month old Premium Plus to get into Prestige? That is some serious hacking addiction. Enjoy. Great deal!!!


Ok so $1,800 + 5400 -4250 = 2950?

No. 3000+4250=7250-5400=1800.

That’s how the dealer reached the $1,800 check you needed to write.

You understand the difference between writing a check and the actual DAS right?

Yes. I feel like you think I missed something. If that’s that case please elaborate. If I didn’t trade in my vehicle I’d have to write a check for 7250 instead of 1800.

Exactly: without the equity applied from the trade your DAS would have been higher (ignoring the delta between the two MSD for a moment).

The equity in your traded vehicle is cash-equivalent money. It’s more money that’s going into the actual DAS … it doesn’t come directly OOP like a check but it’s still :moneybag:

Whether the equity was maximized is another critical question during these crazy times when these startups sometimes pay crazy money for trades

Oh. I got you. Yeah.

Well Carvana offered me 45500 and Vroom 48000.

What was the dealer purchase price on your premium plus

They gave 51000. 202020