Signed: BMW X3 M40i - $589/$1219 DAS - $66920 MSRP


Hi All!

I want to thank all that have put up with me for the past month! I contacted @nyclife and everything else was history. We are doing a custom build with all options besides bigger wheels, wireless charger, and differential. I can get a set of new aftermarket wheels for less than $1500 and keep OEM 19s for wintertime. The wireless charger can be found on eBay for $69 so overall wasn’t worth it either. We will probably put the order at the end of February so we can delay the delivery till April sometime. For now, it’s been “locked”

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2020 BMW X3 M40i (Custom Build)
MSRP: $66920
Monthly Payment: $589
Drive-Off Amount: $1219
Annual Mileage:10,000
MF: .00142
Incentives:$3250 (Lease) + $1500 (Loyalty) + $500 (OL)
Region: NE
Leasehackr Score: 9.5


nice strategy on the build spec

Nice deal congrats! What was the sales price?

Awesome. Been watching your saga unfold :slight_smile:

Why do you want to delay delivery until April?

We are waiting for c43 lease to be officially out of our hands. Don’t want to accidentally have two cars lol. MBFS is dragging their damn feet

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It was just 12.8% off before incentives.

Great discount on a custom order!

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Indian ways lol

Just curious, why no MSDs?

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He will transfer it in 6 months because his growing family will be smaller when his kid goes to college soon :smile:

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I personally don’t believe in MSDs but that’s me.

Why you going off topic! :frowning:

I probably won’t even bother to list it on here to transfer if that were the case

It’s on topic because it is easier to transfer without MSDs and you do transfer your cars.

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Def agree. That is the biggest reason why I didn’t want to put MSD. I HIGHLY doubt we will transfer this unless X3 M comes in the picture lol

Or the ever growing family requires a 3-row X7 M50i

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I have an X5 for now but trade it in 2 years for bigger