Signed a lease, SUV not picked from dealer, MF went down and discount added - what are my choices to reduce lease rate


No takesies backsies.

If you already signed and the car already RDR’d you’ll likely just have to take what you signed or refuse to pickup (deal unwind) and start shopping again if they won’t re-sign you using July programs when you pickup.

All of that is moot of course if you’ve already picked up.


Just when I thought I’ve seen it all :joy:


If the dealer doesn’t offer the courtesy of redoing the contract for July, you can walk away as others have mentioned. You will in all likelihood forfeit your broker fee and the chances of the dealer/broker working with you again is nil. So then you’d have to find another broker and/or dealer to do the deal using the July rates. Might make sense for you to go that route but understand the risk.


amazed a human being with eyes would sign for one of those at any price


Function over form.


Thanks. I was just trying to understand the alternate scenarios. Of course I have sent messages to broker as well as dealer.

Thanks. I will work with them. Just wanted to see what the experts have to say.

Yes, you clearly mentioned the scenario well.

Bow down :man_bowing:

Yes, my bad. Prices changed between my paying the broker (late evening June 30th - I guess they had to close quarter) and my signing the lease contract (6 days later with a long July 4th weekend in between) and I did not check that everyday for those few days.
I just wanted to see what choices I have.

Based on what I have seen here in some of he meaningful replies - it is what the dealer and broker can help me with and if I don’t like that and I have not made any funding yet, I have some flexibility …

Again I just wanted to understand the process.

Thanks and everyone here have a great week.

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IME dealers typically notarize deals like this to prevent an unwind. Would have to see everything that was signed/notarized aside from the lease agreement, but assume there is something that takes the place of tires leaving the parking lot. I almost did this in a prior lease (went-in instead), when I asked for copies of what would be notarized there was an additional agreement to that effect.

If it changed by over 100/month it’s likely more than just the programs changing. The other broker probably was offering a larger discount.

Anyways what’s with society lately thinking it’s cool not to honor agreements. Then again if the president is telling everyone they don’t have to pay their debts they agreed to then I guess why should you have to take a car.


I like pretty things :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for the hidden paper that may have been signed. Oh well, the dealer will let me know.

I did not mention - not honoring. Trying to learn from the folks here what the options are or who to talk to or how to talk to them.

Looks like this discussion is getting political.

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Hopefully wasn’t hidden but won’t be your lease agreement itself, it will be something else (typically you’re signing a bunch of disclosures and agreements in addition to the retail lease contract).

You should have a copy of everything you signed already. If not (for the second time today), don’t let someone leave with a signed agreement that you don’t have a copy of.


I used to be in the iX is awful camp, but everybody kept saying it was better than EQE/EQS and etron. I drove all three and they are right.

It’s a really nice car to drive once you get over the appearance.


I have a feeling this car/contract was backdated to June 30th in order to make quarterly goals. They may have you sign for July #’s if it wasn’t a make or break deal OR tell you to take a hike depending on that dealer’s state specific cooling off period.

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In NJ you sign a release saying you’ve waived your right to take an unsigned copy of the contract home to review over 24 hrs before signing it.

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Pradeep let’s get coffee? I want to meet the guy who voluntarily leased an iX at June prices.


what’s your broker saying about all of this? Just curious.