Signed: 24 Mercedes Benz EQB 250+ $177/mo $0 DAS LH Score 27.5

New non-Demo EQB 250+

Multiple dealers offered very similar deal. Picked this one for the color.

Rolled first months payment, all taxes and fees into the lease.

Key terms: Dealer discount 20%. Another dealer offered 21%.

Rebates: Fleet, Lease Cash, loyalty

$80/mo with driveoffs DAS including tax.

Max MSDs

Happy negotiating!


No read up on loyalty. Its very specifickingly stupid. There are socal deals, I don’t know the dealers well. For this one you have to be in NorCal.

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just send you msg, I am very interested in the deal you got.
I wonder what is the 2500 security deposit and how it would work. Also, how you got down your monthly to be only 117 or 171 so low.

Please help me with that.

Thank you,

Please see the LH calculator. Security deposit is MSDs which lower your interest rate

Edit: you might benefit from a broker if you haven’t leased before.


Congratulations! I’m going to try in NorCal

I tired FL in Orange County. They have quite amount of excess inventories but didn’t want to lower the price too much. So, I walked off.
The lowest I got was around 400/mo.

Oh what?! Try the brokers @AutoActionSales I think had one for $90. Which is what I was inspired by.

Shoot me a PM :grin:

Excellent deal - on a new car as well!
Definitely have my seal of approval :+1:

Congratulations and enjoy your new ride!

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Just reached out to you.

Sent you a message

You are a broker?

If anyone knows anything close to that in Midwest, I am happy to take it.

I know @MBmike had a couple loaners coming out, not sure if they will be willing to replicate. They should be able to given those are loaner units.

send picSs!!

@Slomo_65 let me know if you have success. I’m in Marin

No success thus far lots of pushback to duplicate the op deal.

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